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I've been tagged by djskylar1  and welp idek how this goes because I'm a lazy taco imma just do ones dat they keep FREAKING ASKING ABOUT


1: meh gender, so yesterday I was asked by some dickhead "What gender are you?" I'm over here like boi I'm indeed female yet I look boyish sense I cut my hair short it's growing but it's short

2: ok my personality (naming it in dere form) I'm a mix between 4 or 5 types of dere's yandere, kuudere, tunsdere, and dandere

3: crush I don't have one anymore I got rejected two days ago

4: siblings 1 he's a brat at times yet loving

5: height I found out that I'm not 4'12 I'm 4'12 and a half so I'll be 5 foot in a year from now I guess

6: looks (imma tease you guys) I have black hair and black eyes ( one is lighter than the other one is jet black the other is coal black)

7: best friend I'd have to say Nii-chan she looks like a anime character I'm not even joking she has anime eyes and anime-ish hair and anime skin I'm jealous

8: favorite food TACOS MU DUDES I'm shipped with a taco ( Jaco )

9: my name is Jayda ( or jade )

10: favorite app, idk I guess Wattpad I'm always on it but it has issues

Ok that's about it I don't have many followers soooo

djskylar1 ( revenge )

Meh I tag these people I guess

Meh I tag these people I guess

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Wuv @Claude_is_SRNPAI

( btw I saw someone cosplay as meh senpai)

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