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( ok I'm not gonna do the party thing cuz she ends up killing everyone in the end sooo yea self explaining )

Kanta POV

I was on the couch cuddling with senpai in my phone well he's tied up and it's his out day so he gets 24 hours outside his cell down stairs in the basement "Senpai tell me how much you love me~." I snuggled up closer he kept his normal emotionless face I growled slightly "Tell.Me.How.Much.You.Love.ME!!!!" Tears rolled down his face giving me slight pleasure I pinned him to the couch and smirked "So we have to do this the hard way or the easy way???" He started to cry more I growled and teleported to empty shack

⚠️Warning a......lemon⚠️ ( ;-; )

I unbuttoned his collar and nipped slightly at his neck seeing that he's holding back a moan I my smirk grew and I ripped his shirt off and rubbed my hand up and down his chest he finally gave in and let out a huge moan "K-Kanta I-I want t-t-to lead~!!!!" And pouted like a baby I nodded and he flipped me over and took off my shirt as well as my skirt leaving me in my bra and underwear I used my teeth to unbutton his pants ( I know I know pretty boring but it's about to heat up real quick ) he ripped my bra off and started to suck and bite on one and massaged the other making me moan uncontrollably I sat him up and slipped off his boxers leaving him exposed I started to lick his tip he laughed/moaned and he held his head back "Why do you tease me~." I giggled and put his entire dick in my mouth and deep throated him "K-Kanta FASTER!!!!!" He demanded I sucked harder and harder he came in my mouth he smirked towards me and picked me up putting me on a rusty old counter he placed both my legs on his shoulders putting in his fingers first shoving them in and out as pre cum came out "Remember after tonight I took something you can never take back~~~..." I nodded and he thrusted in his dick he was very hard yet it was very big and I could barely fit the entire thing in my mouth "HARDER AZUSA AND FASTER!!!!!" He followed the command I was starting to reach my climax "If your I about to cum hold it in for daddy I'm not ready yet~." I nodded and drool slowly came out my mouth "I CAN'T HOLD IT IN ANYMORE DADDY PLEASE I WANT YOUR BABIES!!!!" I screamed on the top of my lungs he just moaned and had a lustful look in his eyes "The word daddy huh call me daddy from now on and here my babies~." He came in side of me slowly pulling out his dick and he licked my cilt clean and he made me suck his dick clean then he flipped me over and started shoving it inside my ass thrusting nonstop I came all over the sheets and he came inside me multiple times after fucking me senseless he kissed me whispering "Night love~~~." I smiled weakly "Night daddy~..." we both whispered before we both collapsed and as he slowly grinding on me "Daddy you better have lots of blood for me because I gave you my virginity!" He changed chuckled and a sexy chuckle to top it off


I woke up realizing we did it last night I scrambled out of bed and collapsed on the floor panting "AZUSA WHAT THE HELL!!!!" He woke up rubbing his eyes "Call me daddy!" He demanded I got up staggering because of my ass and kitty was hurting like hell ( kitty=uh the girl thing in the south sorry it's really awkward writing this ) "NO YOU TOOK MY VIRGINITY WHAT WILL KANATO THINK!!!!!! OH MY SISTERS A SLUT JUST LIKE MY EX GIRLFRIEND!!!!WHO IS A TOTAL BITCH WHO IS ALSO TOTALLY DEAD!!! AND I WAS DRUNK LAST NIGHT SO I BARELY REMEMBER!!!" Tears rolled down my face he came towards me I smacked him away "MY BROTHERS ARE GONNA HATE ME BECAUSE IM HAVING CHILDREN WITH A HALF BLOOD I KNEW YOU WERE GOING TO RUIN MY LIFE AT SOME POINT!!!" I cried even more thinking of what they'd say

Kanta's thoughts

"Ew children with half bloods I thought you'd be better than that." Latio laughed turning his back

"HA I knew you were a slut before with cat ears but DAMN that's a slut when I see one!!" Ayato pointed at me laughing like a mad-man

"I saw this coming I can't call you my sister anymore with half blood running through your veins." Reiji closed his book walking away chuckling

"GET OUT YOU STUPID WHORE!!!" Subaru yells as he punches the wall pointing at the door

"I have nothing to say to a whore like YOU..." Shuu sighed

"Ha no worries I'll keep Kanato company he'll LOVE me being there so he can cry on my shoulder then we'll get married and you won't be invited because your a whore."

I saw Kanato he looked disappointed and angry "Your just like every other girl a hooker what did I expect a loyal sister please that is totally overrated get out my face I can't believe you even dated that weirdo now your a half blood or whatever...... A.Stupid.Half.blooded.WEIRDO!!!!"

Kanta's thought concludes: MY LIFE IS RUINED

"I was drunk I went out with Nancy and we ended up in a bar before I let you out but I thought my alcohol wasn't gonna show and now it's all your fault I have half blood in my veins!!!" He grabbed my shoulders I tried to shake him off "Listen if they kick you out you can live with me and raise the baby there." He smiled sweetly I started to scream "UGH YOU DON'T GET IT YOU SADISTIC BASTARD!!!!" I quickly put on my clothes and stormed out slamming the door behind me going to Kenshi's house

Kenshi POV

"Damn you are in deep shit...well I've known Kanato long enough that he WON'T say any of that to you and you actually care whatever that sluts name was said to YOU hunny get you motherfucking life together and I got the pregnancy test and it's a negative so ain't no worries hunny boo boo." Yeah I totally forgot whenever I go to him about any drama he goes to his gay side ( yes I'm making him gay so what ) I like him being gay it make me feel like I have a guy who acts like a girl but with less drama SCORE  "Alright THAT'S a relief and I guess so and why the fuck do you think I care if Yui calls me a slut." He squealed and hugged me tightly "AW THAT MY BITCH!!!"




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