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Kanta POV

I sat through the class glaring at Tayama sitting there studying with senpai I grabbed my pocket knife and aimed Azusa looked behind him seeing my knife he shook his head no and turned back around "No one tells me what not to do...." I whispered to my self in a low voice Kanato just sighed and grabbed the knife placing it in his pocket I looked at him with a questionable look he did the same as Azusa I sighed and continued my work still taking slow glances at Tayama making sure shit doesn't happen though her hand was inching closer to his I glared and threw paper at her with a tacs covering it I threw it at her hand and smirked as it hit her hand and she pulled back she looked at me and stood up "Listen it's over he's practically mine now." She told me with the smuggest face I've seen I smirked and giggled at her stupidity "No I think not he's still mine just watch~." Azusa looked at me and shrugged

Timeskip  lunch time

I placed a note in his locker showing Tayama's secret using one of the bullies names I waited until he went to his locker and saw the note I walked down the hall and he saw me I just slightly smirked to myself 'Sorry you won the battle Tayama but I've won the war.' He held my hand and looked at me with the most loving face I've seen I giggled and smiled "I'm sorry Kanta I can't believe I forgot about my girlfriend." I nodded and held his other hand pulling him into a hug "Of course I will always forgive you unless you cheat on me of course." I walked down the hall giggling and laughing with what's rightfully mine and no one else's Yui walked down the hall with her shirt ripped and torn and her skirt much shorter she held my shoulders I gave her a deadpan look "K-Kanta help me Ayato has gone crazy he's ripped my clothes...." I shoved her to the ground because she touched senpai in the wrong places "Get off you attention hog I don't care that's a lie it's obviously made by scissors do a better job and tear it off yourself." She got up and dusted herself off and stormed off growling at her failed attempt

Tayama POV ( end of school )

"Ah~ Azusa there you are after lunch I couldn't find you though we have all our classes together." He looked at me with disgust and disappointment and looked out a near by window sighing "Listen I don't think we should hang out anymore..." I giggled and held his arm tightly and refused to let go and pulled him towards the car "Hehehehe silly I don't wanna do that I wanna stay with you we are practically boyfriend and girlfriend kinda that's like breaking up with me and you CAN'T do that." then Kanta came around the corner closing the door behind her smiling "No I think he's fine being my boyfriend~. Right Azusa?" She pushes me off and held his hand for comfort "WHAT DID I DO WRONG AZUSA!!!" I yelled with tears streaming down my face he looked at me with a harsh glare "You were the one who told Kanta's dad to kidnap us and the reason why Kanta was bullied by R/N I know you 2 are best friends." Damnit he's kinda right I grabbed my collar and threw it off exposing my neck "Fine but I was marked before you Kanta!" She giggled and walked towards me with a smug face "Hm unlike you I don't hide my mark." She tilted her head to the side and revealed bite marks "All the Mukami's bit me before I was bitten before you." I fell to the ground and faced towards Azusa and grabbed my knife out of my bag "Fine it's ok....but I'm f I can't have you....THEN NO ONE ELSE CAN!!!!" I ran towards him only to be stopped because my stomach I looked down and a katana was sticking out I started coughing blood I fell to the ground once more ( let's see if you know the reference )
"PLEASE HELP ME AZUSA I'M DYING, PLEASE I DON'T WANNA DIE IT HURTS!!!" I saw the look in his eyes he did want to help me "STAY BACK AZUSA UNTIL I KILL HER STAY BACK!!!!" She screamed he stepped back a little and held his arm "Yes Kanta...." ( who gets it if ya do comment or not I don't care ) she smirked and stabbed me in the head I looked up at her and held her stockings pulling them down slightly "Your being tricked by a vampire" and with that my last words were spoken without regret

Kanta POV

Being tricked Pft as if I tricked him it was kinda a lie somewhat I erased his memory and let go of my mind control and walked away he fell to the floor crying of course I left one of the bullies with a bit of my evidence

Bully/ Kanta POV ( regular text is the bully and cursive is Kanta )

I walked towards Azusa and smiled holding the bloody katana "Hello there I see you witnessed this I can't let you live..." he ran towards me and punched me in the gut I fell backwards Ugh if he makes blows like this I'll lose control of her "YOU KILLED MY FRIEND!!!!" He ran towards me and continued hitting me I threw him across the room and panting ugh this body is so weak I can't take another blow but I can't harm senpai ether... alright I'll just knock him out and kill this useless corpse or just frame her " Hmph if you continue I'll just knock you out without considering your health." I hit him in he neck hard and knocked him out he fell on his back and looked so peaceful See ya in jail

Kanta POV

"Azusa!!!" I screamed helping him up and he slowly woke up and the cops were here holding the bully back I smirked and waved bye to her "STOP YOUR BEING TRICKED ITS HER I SWEAR IT WASN'T ME!!!" They took her away and senpai thanked me for saving his life and somewhat trying to save Tayama's "Aw it's ok Azusa you have me and I'll help you get through her death." He nodded and walked me home like we usually and always do hand and hand though not all good things last forever......


There let that sink in a little bit so that's the end of the.....

Byeeeeee my spiders/Tacos 🕷🌮

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