Stupid Tayama

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Kanta POV

I fell asleep on Kanato's lap again until I heard footsteps I got up and walked towards them I grabbed the hooded figure I threw a vase at him he yelped a little and turned around I snatched his hood off he grabbed my arm I hissed as I looked at his face I gasped "Azusa what the hell?!" He let go and backed up a little "Shhh listen I swear I just want Tayama back and I'll be on my way." I did a low growl and walked back to the basement and woke her up by stabbing her "Wake up!!!" She cried and tried staying awake I smirked and stabbed her a second time smiling at her almost dead body "TAYAMA!!!" I hear Azusa scream I smiled and stabbed her again nonstop Azusa came behind me and held me back I struggled against his somewhat strong arms I growled and lost it I pushed him away and stabbed her in the head then I was hit by a brick and passed out all I heard was "You bastard!!!"

Azusa POV

I waited patiently in the hall waiting for her to bring Tayama up stairs but she never came I walked towards the scent of blood and Kanta was stabbing her as much as I understand why but I kinda like her in a best friend type of way but seeing her die in front of my own eyes I lost it and hit my own girlfriend with a brick she passed out and I was tackled to the ground and it was her stupid twin instinct and Kanato held a knife to my neck and the brothers had mine tied in chains "You bastard!!!" He screamed Reiji held Kanta in his arms cleaning her cracked open head "Well she's not dead barely alive but not dead." Kanato placed us in a chair and looked at us with disgust he held a black and purple whip and he cracked it against the cold pavement "Now I want truthful answers or.... this happens!!!" He cracked it again and it hit us all in one blow making us wince in pain is not ordinary it's dipped in sliver Kou looked like he was gonna crack with 3 more blows he noticed this and hit him again and again repeatedly "Come on pop star tell me I'll keep your secret!!!" He screamed Kou looked at us with an apologetic look "ALRIGHT!!! We just wanted Tayama back and Azusa kept smelling her blood here and he got suspicious and decided we all go to take her back! I SWEAR PLEASE DON'T HIT US ANYMORE!!!!" He looked down at his feet and sighed Ruki just looked at Reiji and told him coldly "I know Tayama is alive don't try that bullshit your stupid sister doesn't mat-..." Kanato slashed his face making a deep wound with deep crimson blood dripping no spilling like a water fall "Don't talk bad about her while I'm in the room.... also to answer your question yes very much alive although we might keep her she is very very pretty-ish but I guess her blood is filling." 

( totally forgot about her appearance )

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( totally forgot about her appearance )


Kanta POV

I woke up and ran down the stairs realizing it's time for school I got in the limo and quickly placed my hair in a ponytail "Good morning sister." Shuu told me I choked on my toast and looked at him in confusion "D-Did you call me s-sister.....GUYS SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH SHUU!!!!!" They came downstairs and there Shuu was sitting on the couch not sleeping but sitting there with his leg crossed and waving good morning to the brothers "W-Well this is a bit...d-different." Reiji was obviously at a lost for words he was stammering and a mumbling mess Shuu skipped happily to the limo "What in the actual hell?!" I looked at Kanato sleeping I sighed and grabbed his arm and dragged him in the car I looked in his pocket where his phone was blowing up with messages from that bitch R/N

( K= Kanato R= R/N )


K: Sorry I'm really tired and I don't have the strength too

R: That's basically saying your cheating on me

K: Don't start that bullshit

R: Ok ok sorry

K: I was up all night because of the Mukami's

R: Ooooo the hot pop stars in our school

K: Thats your opinion but they hurt Kanta last night and they tried stealing what's ours

R: The blonde

K: No not particularly but you don't need anyfhjig

R: Babe



K: sorry fell asleep our conversation wasn't interesting


K: Yea bye

I growled and blocked her number I wasn't jealous just yandere-ish today when we arrived to the school there Azusa was holding Tayama's hand I pulled out a knife "Kill kill kill kill." I muttered over and over to myself I was about to stab her before Kanato fell I dropped my weapon and ran to his aid "S-Sorry just too tired..." he fiddled with his words I nodded and helped him throughout his classes since today was the last time I'd ever have a class with him of course I'd hate it but it was recommended by my therapist


Kanta POV

"So stay away from those who make me feel this way?" She nodded and handed me a pen and paper "Write them down and stay away for 3 days if you make any type of contact then you have to restart." I nodded and wrote them down





She shook my hand and sent me on my way "This'll be hard..."

Flashback over

I looked down at my list and nodded with determination "Hey Kanta!!!" Sora waved at me giving me a hug he felt really clingy at the moment sooner Kenshi showed up waving as well "Sora here got lonely at home so he decided that he wanted to go to my school. He got suspended so he has nothing to do for a month." Kenshi sighed looking down at Sora he just pouted and looked the other way "You try staying at home when the only movies you have I know all the lines too?!"


Hey guys the normal schedule is coming back

Yuma: Monday

Kanta: Tuesday

Ronald: Wednesday

Gon: Thursday

Levi: Friday

Tag book: Whenever

Byeeeeee my spiders/ tacos 🕷🌮

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