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Kanta POV

I sat on the roof top dangling my feet on the edge rocking back and forth with blood splattered everywhere holding a girls head her name is Yuni she was a former bully of my brother and my senpai she had to go I can still hear her screams as she begs for me not to kill her I stroked her hair and looked up at the midnight sky "Hm what was the Yuni your still begging?! I'M GAVE YOU A CHANCE BACK THEN BUT YOU STILL DIDN'T TAKE IT!!!" I screamed and threw her head on the ground and watched as it crushed onto the ground I grabbed a mop and bucket and cleaned up her distasteful mess she made "Kanta what are you doing here?" I turn around to meet the eyes of Hanji Zoé my old rival "Hm I'm still surprised you survived that explosion~." She growled and grabbed my collar and glared "I know you caused that!!! I'm not as stupid as the rest of them!" She let go and wobbled oh she was in a coma and I thought I berried her body a long ass time ago apparently not if she lasted 5 years her lab coat was ripped and torn her hair was a mess filled with dirt and branches and her jeans were obviously too small so the looked like knee length shorts "Hm how could you tell if I recall there was no evidence that I caused that because I was in math and science was 3 periods away." She growled again like a dog and walked away more like limp away I just giggled and walked back to class after a bit of class the bell rung signaling that it was time for our next class I ran there and saw senpai enter and another girl just sighed dreamily when he entered this was Tayama the most perverted girl in the school looking at her makes me sick to the stomach I walked towards her desk and slammed my hand on her desk and blocked her view of him "Hi~ Tayama right my name is Kanta Sakamaki and I just thought you look really pretty today~."she looked very angry and disturbed I just smirked at this and whispered in her ear "I'm already dating him darling so go ahead and growl and cry but he's mine forever~..." she looked shocked and then placed her hands in her lap and looked at her lap crying her eyes out I walked towards the teacher and put on my best "can I help this girl out" face "Teacher Tayama is crying can I take her outside so we can talk we are best friends and I'd hate to see her upset..." she nodded and sent us both outside "W-When did this happen?!" She yelled still crying I rolled my eyes and poked her head "Dearie this happened a long time ago I took his first love, his first kiss, I might as well be his first everything~..." she just growled and slapped me glaring so hard I thought she might be in so much pain "YOU LYING BITCH HE IS MINE IM THE ONLY GIRL IN HIS HOUSE HOW COULD YOU DATE HIM BEFORE ME?!?!?!" My eyes when into their deadly state I grabbed the shovel in the corner and hit her on her head knocking her out as I dragged her home


Azusa POV ( wow his first POV in forever...-_-|| )

"Hey guys Kanta hasn't came back and I haven't seen Tayama anywhere after history." I told my brothers and Kanato because he's at my throat again like always "Exactly why I'm threatening you! You saw her last!!!" Kanato growled squeezing my neck tighter which was absolute pleasure I wanted for him to continue before another Sakamaki came over and held him back it was the obnoxious one ( Ayato It's quite obvious ) "Oi don't strangle him! Think about what Kanta might do if she comes back to a dead boyfriend!!!!" Kanato thought about it and shrugged and continued until there she was dragging a body "H-Hey Kanta!" I yelled waving she jumped and threw the body in an open classroom "H-Hey guys what's up?!" She asked in a nervous way just giggling she held a shovel as well she noticed this and threw the shovel over her shoulder "Whoops I um was carrying this to the gardening club and I forgot I still had it so yea I'll come back in a bit to talk.... kay?!" We nodded and she when back to the class room and she was carrying a box this time and the shovel I teleported outside and Kanta was in the limo packing the box in the trunk "Kanta whats in the box...." she looked at me with a surprised expression she just giggled and shrugged "N-Nothing I just need to carry a project and I need this box..." then the box started to move and scream but it was a bit muffled she panicked and placed both her hands on my chest and pushed me away "P-Please don't look in the box... my brothers won't allow me to keep her...." I removed her hands to her side and checked the box and there was a mother and her two kittens ( huehuehuehue ) "If this is all then why are you so afraid?" I asked looking at her in the eyes she just looked the other way "I-It was a present from one of my friends and my brothers most likely won't allow me to keep them cuz you know the whole pet care thing...." I nodded and kissed her forehead and walked off waving she did the same

Kanta POV

That was too close for comfort I grabbed the box in the way back of the limo and opened it smirking at Tayama "Enjoy your nap~?" She looked terrified and she screamed "AZUSA-KUN PLEASE HELP ME!!!!" He turned around and started to walk back this way I teleported two mind slaves and forced them to look like they were going to kill me he easily killed them both and hugged me "Heh I thought that was Tayama for a second but I'm glad your safe." He teleported this time and I couldn't sense him anymore I looked at her in tears because he was her last hope "Try another stunt like that and I'll slit your throat got it you bitch?!" She nodded and I gave her another dose and she fell asleep again I waited in the car and after the bell rang the boys came in as well and we all drove home with Tayama in our trunk

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