Just like old times

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This is going to be her past with abuse if you don't appreciate or like that skip it I don't care but it's a option

Kanta POV

I was 2 years old hardly knew how to talk and everyone was busy with studying or playing games I didn't want to play

"CWUALDE!!!" I jumped on his back spinning him around his hair was now a complete mess he glared at me and sighed " Yes master." I smiled innocently and jumped off " I want to plway wit you." He shook his head no " I can't and you can't you have to study the piano and the violin today and homework to do." Pushing up his glasses I started to tear up " But I wanna plway." He grabbed my hand and dragged me off

I started playing the piano Claude said I couldn't play this song but I ignored him " Young mistress you know your mother will be upset if you play this." I still played and sighed " Mother will be upswet yes but I down't care I'll stwab her." He just sat there commenting how good I did after the song and made me do the basics afterwards after I had a snack break I had blood cookies that Claude made for me they was so sweet " KANTA!!!!" I turned my head towards the direction of the yelling it was mother " Hi ma ma!" I smiled innocently she just growled " Did you put this in my bed?!?!" She held my purple knife I giggled and teleported over towards her " No but I've bween wooking for it." She slapped me across the mouth " LEARN TO SPEAK PROPERLY!!!!" I bit her hand drinking from her I backed up " Your bwood is NASTY!!!!" I shoved her hand away daddy came in and saw my slap mark and hugged me tightly " Did mommy do this?" He asked seriously I nodded my head slowly " Claude please get her taken care of RIGHT THIS INSTANT!" Daddy shouted Claude took me out of daddy's hands " Yes sir." I giggled " Mommy is in twoble...." Claude put a finger over my mouth " Shush do not speak right now your father is upset as it is and doesn't want you to taunt your mother." I nodded he set me down and put ice on my slap mark Kanato came in smiling " Sister sister I caught a bat for you!" He smiled holding a small purple box my eyes went bug and a huge smile formed on my lips " WOAH so cwool I wuv you and this bat." His smile turned into a frown " I thought you only wuved me..." I hugged him tightly " My wuv for the bat is gone now and the only woom is only for my twin." I dragged Claude with me to scare little kids " Ok Cwlaude I'm going to sit here and cry until someone comes over to check on me I'll cry black ooze and you take a pwicture ok?" He nodded and waited a little boy around 10 came ovr and asked if I was ok he shook my shoulders repeatedly until I did my famous line " I DON'T NEED YOUR HELP GET AWAY FROM ME!!!!" He jumped back on the floor and started to cry for his ' mommy' I sighed " Such a crybaby..." I put my hands on my hips I snapped my fingers " Cwlaude time to go."

Timeskip to 5 years old

I was chasing mother around the house with a kitchen knife while daddy was out for a meeting "..... Mommy come out come out where ever you are.... I promise it won't hurt you THAT much mommy...." she screamed and ran off into Reiji's room I sighed " Mommy if you think Reiji-nii is gonna stop me your such a dummy." I walked in and looked at studying Reiji " I'm sorry Reiji-nii but I'm gonna steal this trash from you real quick..." I grabbed mothers hand Reiji didn't look up and sighed " Sure I needed to take out the trash anyway." I laughed " So funny Reiji." I walked out and stabbed mother in her waist and in her legs Latio, Shuu, Saboru, Ayato, and Kanato stared at me I smiled " Who wants to play alive darts?" They all raised their hands except for Kanato he never liked hurting mother unlike me he wanted her attention while I wanted her dead I strapped mother to a dart board and grabbed 15 darts off the shelves " Ok I'll go first." I threw the dart and it landed in her heart I looked at mother with no cares " Mother it won't kill you so stop being such a drama queen...." I rolled my eyes

Timeskip brought to you by Shuu sleeping

I won by 6 points while Shuu was in second Ayato was third and Latio was last and Saboru was fourth " Haha I won you got beat by a girl, you got beat by a girl, you got beat by a girl~...." I chanted while skipping all over the room Ayato growled " NO the board was spinning so it wasn't fair!!!" Everyone sighed " It's just a game jeez." Latio snickered I looked at the time " Welp it's been fun but I have to clean up mother and my darts before dad gets home." They groaned " Right......" they mumbled they walked out of the room " Claude, come clean my mess of a mother and my dart board." He bowed " Yes young mistress." He picked up my mother bridal style and placed her in the bath to heal her and to clean the blood off of her it was 10 minutes after daddy came home " Hi pudding how was your day?" He gave me a smile I shrugged and hugged his legs when I did I smiled creepily " Just darling~...." he patted my head and went who knows where

Timeskip ( when they kill their mother )

Mother was getting on my nerves she repeatedly bumped into me I counted so she could repay with every time she did I walked down the hallway with my katana dragging behind me ripping all the rugs " Oh mother come play with me....." she saw me and ran " NO!!!" She screamed I giggled and teleported in front of her " Don't ever tell me no~...." I stabbed her 10 times and she ran off into Ayato he did whatever he did I dashed off into the a garden with Kanato Latio pushed her off the roof we walked over at mother's corpse "Mother where is your heart, please wake up so we can help you find it, Mother your so cold here let us warm you up." We set her on fire and smiled " There isn't that better mother?" We smiled " Heheheh....hahahah.... MWHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" We laughed like a maniac together holding hands I looked at mothers corpse " Mother I promise if I die I'll die in the exact same spot.... you son of a bitch." I walked off smiling at my promise to mother ' I tend to keep that promise..... Little bitch~.....' I smiled looking up at the blood red moon " Kanato..... tell me how much you love me, but don't make it sappy like how mother told us.... ok..."

We are always together.          Kanato's twin sisterWhere stories live. Discover now