I think i'm falling in love

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Carsons point of view

I never thought i would see this side of Matt, he is so sweet and better then what every one says he is. I am really glad i get to spend 2 whole months with him. Honestly the whole breakfast thing, and the flower, and the note ...just everything was amazing. The note was probably the sweetest thing yet,i mean what guy would ever write me a note, but it read...

Dear Carson,

I really hope you like the breakfast and flower. Im so excited for these next 2 months with you, i can already tell they will be amazing. We need to really talk and soon so i was thinking maybe later tonight once we get Allie to sleep we could have a talk. Im really glad we talked last night too. I hope you slept good



I was kind of nervous about what he wanted to talk about but hopefully it wouldn't be to bad. I think i am falling for him, and i'm not ashamed of it. He was amazing in every possible way and i loved it.

The line for the wait at the foster home to pick the kids up was ridiculously long! As time went by we were finally up at the front. Matt handed the nice lady our slip with everything on it, and she immediately had someone go get Allie. 

She came running in with a teddy bear that had an eye missing, but I'm sure she didn't notice. I opened my arms for her to come over here and she did (surprisingly!!) Matt held out his arms for her and she went to him saying "bite bite" so we took it as she was hungry. We left the foster home and drove home wondering what she would eat. 

 We got home and she ran into the kitchen. Matt and I looked at each other and we both had a "this is going to be fun" look on our faces. I went to the fridge to get her an apple to cut up and some blue berries too. She ate them up, and yet she still said "bite bite" so i decided to make her a little peanut butter sandwich. I'm glad she has all her teeth so it will make things  a lot easier for us.

 I wiped her hands off and got her down while Matt went to get some toys. He came back down with some dolls and a doll house. "Come here Allie, you want to play dolls" He asked in a playful voice. She ran right to him laughing and nodding her head as if she wanted to play with them. 

   "Im gonna go take a shower real quick while you play with Allie" I said hoping he wouldnt say no

   "Okay take your time im going to have fun with her so dont worry" 


 I got out of the shower and threw some sweat pants and a hoodie on (since its the end of December) . As i walked downstairs i threw my clothes in the laundry room so i can do a load later. It was about 7:00 now so i fed Allie dinner and gave her a bath before bed while Matt went to take a shower. I decided to feed her some mashed potatoes and vegetables with apple juice to drink. Once she gets done i took off her clothes and diaper and put her in the sink to give her a bath. 

  I hear Matt walking downstairs in sweatpants......thats it. I didnt mind though he has a six pack and some pretty big muscles so i like to look.

   "Do you want me to get her to sleep and you can do the laundry, then we can talk?" he asked me with a big smile

  "If you want to you can" 

"Okay here i can get her dressed"

  I walked in the laundry room doing a load of clothes, and while those washed i put the whites in the dryer. This isnt bad, its actually pretty fun getting to be away from school for 2 months and not have to worry about so much drama.

   "Carson im taking her to bed"

   "Okay ill be on the couch"


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