13th December (not edited)

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Hello darling!

    'Have yourself a merry little
        Let your heart be light
From now on your troubles will
               be out of sight'

Zayn was woken up by the loud noises coming from his neighbour's flat. He was probably having one of his anger attacks. Although, Malik was used to it, he still couldn't go back to sleep. He rubbed his eyes and slowly yawned. Zayn looked around and noticed that he fell asleep on the couch. Malik cursed at himself thinking about his yesterday's behavior. Why did he even kiss Harry? Styles probably had a girlfriend. No. He actually had a girlfriend, Zayn saw her once in the cafe. She was beautiful, with long brown hair and shapely legs. Malik was nowhere near that look. He sighed slowly getting up and heading to kitchen. Remembering Harry's words, he started making cereal for him and Darcy instead of sandwiches.

"Zaynie, why are you upset?" He heard a tiny voice behind him. His sister was sitting behind the counter playing with her fingers.

"Your brother did something stupid, really dumb" He smiled sadly and put the bowl in front of the girl. Zayn sat next to her and they were eating in silence for a while.

"You're stupid dumb. She called you an hour ago" Darcy grinned with mouth full of food. Malik smiled fondly as he realized his sister quoted Jauregui, but quickly his eyes widened.

"Lauren!" He whispered rushing to get his phone. Jauregui called him fifteen times, how could he not notice? Zayn felt so scared at the moment, he immediately knew that something bad happened. Malik quickly dialed her number and waited for the answer. Lauren picked up after a few seconds and Zayn's heart literally broke into pieces.

"Zay-n? I need y-ou n-ow. It's Jade, she-she fainted and h-hit her head. She's unconscious and I don't know what to do...Come to the hospital, p-please" He could barely understand a word, because Lauren was crying. Zayn saw her in that state only once, when Thirlwall was taken to the hospital for the first time. He quickly ended the call and dragged Darcy still in her pjs to Mrs Betty house.

"Zayn, do you need any help?" Elderly woman smiled when she let Malik's sister into her flat. Boy quickly shook his head, thanked her and literally ran to the nearest hospital. When he entered, he immediately noticed Lauren wearing some sweats and too big hoodie. She was crying on the chair, Zayn broke down this time. He sat beside Jauregui and closed her in the tight grip. Hot tears started streaming down his face as he kept whispering.

"It's gonna be okay Lolo, we're gonna be okay...she's gonna be alright"

   'Have yourself a merry little
      Make the Yule-tide gay
From now on our troubles will be
                  miles away'

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, as well as your day!
With all the love,

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