Summer of 62

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(rewritten and edited- 12/20/18

Cassie's POV 

"Here are a list of book you all will be reading over summer break." Ms. Marshall said as she went around the class, handing out papers. All I could think about was summer break. Spending it with my friends and playing baseball all summer. I'm not the type of girl to be play softball. I never got into it.  

I looked at the clock in the class and it was only 12:00. 30 minutes left of the school year. 'Tick Tock' the clock went. "Cassie," someone said behind me, nudging my elbow. I turned around to see, Claire Ambrose, holding a note in her hand. "Benny said for me to give this to you." 

I opened up the note to read '30 minutes and summer time is ours'. I looked over to Benny and I softly chuckled. Benjamin Franklin Rodriguez. My best friend and crush..I think. Benny has been my bestfriend since second grade. We met that year when a girl names Tracy Myers hit me on the head with a marker. She called me ugly and Benny called her an idiot. We were young so we all thought it was a bad word. Benny got in trouble and he introduced himself to me. He showed me his baseball cards and we've been inseparable ever since. 

Since I'm his best friend, I have the right to say that Benny is probably the only cute boy in our grade. Yes, I know. It's weird to call your best friend cute, but we're just comfortable with each other, I guess. The school bell rang and everyone got out of the class in under 30 seconds. "Have a good summer, Ms. M." I said as I smiled at our teacher. "You too, Cassandra." She said. I walked out of the class and headed to my locker. 

I opened my locker and I started taking everything out. My locker contained pictures of Benny and I, some with our other friends, and baseball pictures. "Summer is finally here, Cass!" Benny said as I looked past by locker door to see him smiling. "Yes! We can finally play for a straight 24 hours." I said sarcastically. I love baseball, don't get me wrong. The thing is: we play it all day. The other boys and Benny, yell at me for calling it quits after two hours. 

"Complain much?" Benny retorted. "Oh shut up!" I pushed him on the shoulder. "Don't get me wrong, Ben. I love baseball, but I want to use my summer exploring." I love to travel and experience new things. I explore many things in baseball, but I like to adventure outside my comfort zone sometimes. 

"I promise that we'll do something very adventurous." He looked at me with those brown eyes. "Okay good." I said. "But first we need to officially have our first game of baseball for the summer." He slung his arm around my shoulder and we walked out of school. 

"Hey I need to get my glove at home." I said realizing that I forgot it. "Sure,  I'll come with you. Your mom has been begging me to come over and say hi anyways." Benny said as we started to walk to my house. My mom loves Benny like a son and so does my dad. She always says that if I had a boyfriend it should be Benny and nobody else. I always told her no because I knew Benny doesn't feel the same way. 

The aroma of chocolate chip cookies was the first thing I smelled when I walked into my house with Benny following behind me. "Mom, I'm home!" I shouted. "In here!" I heard her say. We walked into the kitchen to see my mom with flour on her apron. 

"Hey, I didn't know the pillsbury dough boy dropped by the house today, Ma." I joked as I kissed her cheek. 

"You are the funniest person I have met, Cassandra." Marissa sarcastically remarked, but her smile turned upward as she looked behind her. 

"Benjamin!" She beamed with joy at the sight of my bestfriend. "You finally came over!" Benny walked to her, giving her a hug. "Its nice to see you again, Mrs. Johnson." Benny said to her. 

"Please call me, Marissa," She said. "Forget your glove again, Cass?" 

"You know me too well, Mom."

"It's in your room sitting on your desk ." She answered back. I thanked her and ran up the stairs. 

I walked into my room with Benny behind me. My room had baseball posters, cards, baseballs, and trophies with my radio. Benny jumped on my bed and lied there. I looked around my room for my baseball glove. I've been through 3 gloves since last year. Benny gave me my recent glove on my birthday. "Ben, I found it." I turned around to see him passed out on my bed. "Get up,  you weirdo!" I hit him on his back with my glove. 

As we passed by his house, the relator sign had a big 'sold' sticker on it. The house has been selling for a month and finally someone decided to move in. 

"New neighbor." I pointed out to him. 

"I guess so." Benny said and we walked off to the lot. 

Aye! New fanfic story! This fanfic is inspired by Sandlot.

Sandlot is a baseball movie. It's about a boy named Scottie Smalls who moves to Valley. Smalls wasn't the type that manages to make friends but he eventually does. Adventure after adventure, the boys find themselves in a crisis when Smalls borrows his stepdad's special baseball signed by the legend, Babe Ruth, and gets it over the fence.

I hope you guys like the first chapter! I decided to unpublish Dance With Me because it's easier for me to make fanfics instead of fiction books. I also need a ship name for Cassie and Benny. Im changing up the dialogue. Also, Comment those ship names and I'll give you a shoutout on my next chapter.

Remember to comment and vote!

Have a great day!


Edited again: Yes, I decided to edit it once again. There's so much more to the book I want to write, so enjoy the updates. I know I keep saying I'm gonna write and I'm trying, but writers block has been hitting me for quite awhile. I have all these ideas I want to write, but can never write a full chapter. There are some things I want to clear up about this books: 

 1. Cassie and Jonathan are cousins, not siblings. When I first wrote the book they were siblings, but I changed it up. 

2. Her mom's name is Marrisa and not Jen. 

If you have any questions feel free to ask. 

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy the rewrite. 


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