Rare Moments Like These

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The next day..

Cassie's POV

After last night, swore to use bazooka gum only. They all got a bad headache after that and looked a little pale too. Aside from that, Benny and I's somewhat the first date was pretty fun. He won a bunch of stuffed animals for me too. Today the boys and I are going back to the sandlot to play some ball.

We got to our positions on the field and this time everything seemed more intense than usual. Kenny and Benny seemed more serious than usual too. Kenny got into his stance and Benny eyed the ball. The rest of the guys and I were in our stances were ready to catch the ball. And crack!

I heard the ball and it came towards me. I got it but was confused to see a ball of string instead of a baseball. I looked up and see all the boys crowded in a circle. I ran towards and stopped to see a beat-up baseball.

"Dang, I'm sorry guys. I just ruined the whole day for everybody." Benny said.

"What do you mean? That's the best thing I ever saw!" Kenny said in amazement. It truly was. I've never seen a 14-year-old crack a baseball that hard for it to break.

"Benny, I hope you just realized that you've made history!" I said and he frowned. "Hey, don't feel bad. Moments like these don't happen."

"Well then what are we going to do?" Bertram asked. "We don't have another ball!"

"I have one at my house!" Smalls said realization.

"Well then go get it!" Ham said and everyone yelled at him to hurry up.

A few minutes later came in a Smalls running in with a baseball in his hand.

"Nice!" Benny said. "Your Ball, Your ups!"

Smalls smiled and started jogging towards batter's plate. I took the outfield with Timmy and Tommy. Oh yeah and Benny. I looked at him and we must have noticed because he returned the smile. I'm still in shock that Benny is finally my boyfriend. I've liked him since 8th grade and I've kept quiet. I haven't said anything to anyone.

I looked over to see what was going on. As Kenny was about to pitch the ball to Smalls, Hams said something to him which made him look down. Smalls missed the ball and Ham laughed. Sometimes I wonder why I'm friends with them and then my mind goes back to Benny. It always back to- crack!

I got out of my trance and turned to see Smalls running towards second base but turning to the fence that led to the beast.

"Smalls!" I called. "What the hell is doing it?"

We started walking towards him. "Smalls, third base is that way?" Ham said pointed his finger toward third base.

He turned around to reveal a shocking face with a bit of fright mixed into it. "We have to get that ball back," Smalls mumbled.

"Ha! Good one, Smalls!" Bertram said.

"No, I'm serious! That isn't my ball!" He yelled.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"It's my dad ball! Someone signed it. Someone named Baby Ruth?" He said. I widened my eyes. "Who is she?"

"The Colossus Of Clout!"

"The King of Crash!l

"THE GREAT BAMBINO!" Ham finally said.

"Babe Ruth!" I said.

Smalls' eyes went wide. "Oh my god, that's the same person!" He fell down to the ground on his knees.

"Give some space!" I said and the guys moved out of the way. They began to fan him.

I never knew this day would come. Scotty Smalls would steal a baseball from his dad and it would be from BABE RUTH!

I finally posted a chapter. I'm so sorry for late chapter.


Have a great day!


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