The Legend of the Beast

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continuation from the last chapter, Camp Out. 

As Ham explained to Smalls what a s'more is, I looked over to see Benny cuddling with his baseball bat. As I laughed the boy, he looked over to me. 

"What are you laughing at?" Benny asked. 

"You know, you cuddling your baseball bat." I chuckled. "It's not like someone is gonna attack us out here!" 

"You're just jealous because you're not the baseball bat!" DeNunez said and I glared at him. 

"Dang!" One of the boys said. I glared at DeNunez, but I staying quiet knowing I that was defeated for once. I saw DeNunez smirk knowing the he finally defeated me for once too. 

"Ok, ok, before Cassie, here, starts a fight. It is time for to tell you about the Legend of the Beast." Squints said pulling up his glasses. 

We got into place and payed attention to Smalls. 

"Who's the beast?" Smalls asked very loudly and we all shushed him. 

"Ohhhhh," He said and we shushed him again. 

"You're gonna wake him up!" Squints whispered. "The Legend of the Beast started around 20 years ago..." 

"No worries if you get scared, I'll be there to protect you," Benny whispered into my ear as Squints continued telling us the story. 

"You wish, Rodriguez, you wish." I whispered back and he chuckled softly. 

After Squints finished the story, I looked over at the guys to see if any of them were still scared of the story, and they were. 

"Pshhh, that's not scary." Smalls said. 

"If you don't believe me, then look outside that window." Squints said pointing at the window. Smalls got up and looked at then window. He stayed there for a few minutes, then jumped back. 

"He is out there!" Smalls whispered. 

"That story gets me every time." I said and all of the guys looked me. 

"Yeah, it had you holding onto Benny once." Denunez said. "You were so embarrassed." 

"Whatever," I mumbled and rolled my eyes. 

"Alright guys, you made her feel more embarrassed than she already is. I think we should call it a night." Benny said. 

We all agreed and laid out our sleeping bags. "Night guys," I said. 

"Night, Cass," They said and we all fell asleep. 


I woke up the next day to an arm loosely wrapped around my waist, but I saw all the guys still soundly sleeping. I turn around to see Benny with his mouth slightly open. I made a small chuckle remember that day I woke him up. 

I don't think Benny would ever see me as more than a friend. I get it, we are only 14, but I mean it's young love. You can't really blame us for having feelings. 

"Benny wake up!" I whispered. He didn't budge so I shook him. As I kept shaking him, Benny must of noticed because he put his hand on my face. I laughed and removed his hand from my face. 

"Why are you waking me up so early in the morning?" He said. 

"Because its time to get up and you kinda have your arm around my waist." I said. 

He woke up and widened his eyes. "Cass, I'm so sorry." Benny said. 

"Its fine at least the guys aren't gonna make fun of us." I chuckled. 

"Thats true. Alright, get up, you goons!" Benny shouted. The boys were all startled and groaned knowing that its early in the morning. "WHY??!!!!!" Ham groaned. Benny and I laughed at the red headed boy. 

I honestly don't know how I'm friends with these guys! 


Sorry for a pretty short chapter because this chapter is only is the continuation from the camp out scene. 

Part of the next chapter will be Cassie and Benny's POV. 

Remember to vote and comment. 

-Cieara ;) 

edited: 6/26/21

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