A New Beginning

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Benny's POV

I can't believe I do have feelings for Cassie! I have never in our entire friendship have thought of her as more than a friend. It took me by surprise, but does she even feel the same way? Honestly, I don't thinks she does.


Cassie's POV

It was my turn to bat. I walked up to the plate and got in my stance. I took a deep breath and crack! I started sprinting to all the bases as fast I could go until I hit third base. Bertram got the ball and threw it back to Ham.

"Pickle!" Ham yelled throwing the ball to Kenny who now joined in.

I shuffled quickly back and forth between the bases. I sprinted to home and made it.

"You are such a Benny!" Ham exclaimed and I laughed at his comment.

"How so?" I asked raising my eyebrow.

"Because both of you are quick and determined." The ginger haired boy said.

"Thanks Ham-"

"She's nothing like Rodriguez, Porter!" I heard and turned to see my jerk of a cousin, Jonathan smirking at us.

"Really Jonathan?" Benny said coming up next to me.

"Yeah because at least my sister isn't a loser nor an insult to the game of baseball like the rest of you morons!" Jonathan said and I widened my eyes.

"Shut up, pee drinking crap face!" Ham shot to my brother. I bit my lip to contain myself from laughing.

"Jonathan, why are you even here?" I asked.

"I can't just check up on my cousin, who I dearly love?" He said. That's bs and I know it. All my cousin cares about is baseball and himself.

"You're just checking on her because you're afraid of the competition." Ham smirked and Jonathan glared at him.

"What competition?" Jonathan asked.

"The one where your cousin beats you at baseball because you play like a little girl." Ham smirked again.

Wait, hold up did he just say that my brother plays like a little girl?!

I looked at my cousin who's face was furious.

"Your team against mine tomorrow at noon." Jonathan gritted through his teeth.

"Here at the sandlot." Ham argued back.

"Play on a real diamond, Porter!" He said back and the arguing continued. "If we win, my sister gets to date Devin, but if you win, nothing changes."

"Deal." Benny said and my brother rode off with his team.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" I exclaimed in frustration.

"What do you mean?" Benny asked sounding oh-so innocent.

"Why did you make that damn deal with my cousin?!" I asked as anger laced through my voice.

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