A Lesson On How To Wake a Person

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Edited: November 18, 2020

reedited: 6/26/21

The next day...

Cassie's POV
I woke up the next morning to Jonathan loudly knocking on my door. My cousin obviously doesn't understand the concept of trying to get sleep.

"Cassandra, get up! Your mom made breakfast!" Jonathan shouted as he continued knock rapidly on my door. This kid.

"Jonathan, stop banging on my door or I'll hit you with my bat!" I shouted back to shut him up.

"Glad to see you're up!" He teased. 

One day I will hit him with my bat and I won't be sorry. Jonathan is always over at my house because his parents are always away. His mom and dad aren't around much due to their jobs. 

"Morning, sweetheart!" My mom said as she saw me coming down from the stairs

"Morning, mom. Where's dad?" I asked, seeing his chair at the dining table empty. 

"He called into work early." She said. My dad works as police officer and my mom works at the local high school we got to. 

"I'm headed to the sandlot today, so I won't be back until dinner." I told her. 

"Don't you think you should take a break from baseball once in awhile. I mean you guys play everyday and it won't hurt to miss a day or two." My mom explained. 

"I know, but I don't mind. I like playing baseball and hanging out with the guys of course." I said. 


Most mornings, I decide to stop by Benny's place, and that's where I'm currently at right now. I rang the doorbell and waiting for someone to answer the door.

A few minutes passed by and the door opens to reveal a very sleepy, Vericona, Benny's older sister.

"Good morning, Veronica!" I chuckled a little bit seeing her bedhead.

"Good morning to you too, Cassandra," She yawned. "Benny is in his room still sleeping."

"Thanks." I smiled and went inside. I went upstairs and saw Benny's door slightly opened. I opened the door and walked in to see Benny sprawled out of the bed with his mouth slightly open with his bed hair. He kinda looked cute like this. Benny's room is filled with baseball and Babe Ruth. I looked at Benny and chuckled. I closed his door and thought of a way to wake him up.

I got it! One word: Whip cream! He's gonna kill me for this.

I went downstairs and opened their fridge. I kept looking around and saw whip cream. I got it out of the fridge and sprinted upstairs quietly. I opened his door and saw him in the same position. I crept up on the side of the bed and opened the whip cream. I shook the bottle and put some on his hand that was open.

"Benny!" I shouted at him and he smacked his hand full of whipcream.

"Oh my gosh!" I fell on the floor laughing.

"Really, Cass!" He groaned sitting upright on his bed.

"I'm-sorry-Benny," I said in between laughters. I looked up to see him with a straight face.

"Ok, ok, I'm sorry," I innocently smiled.

"I think you want a hug," Benny smiled evilly and walked towards me.

"No I don't!" I said backing up.

"I think you do!" He said walking towards me again.

I yelped and sprinted out of door with Benny following after me. As I was about to sprint into the living room, Benny jumped on me making me fall onto the ground with him on top of me.

"Did you really have to jump on me, Benny?" I groaned.

"Yes so I could do this," Benny swiped some whip cream off his cheek and swiped it onto mine.

"Makes sense," I shrugged. Benny smiled.

"I knew you two were always going to be a thing!" I heard and we both looked in front of us to see Benny's mom smiling widely.

We quickly stood and Benny said, "Oh, mom, um, Cassie and I aren't together-"

"-I put whip cream on Benny's face to wake him up," I cut Benny off and continued.

"You kids are crazy." She said grabbing her purse.

"We know!"I smiled.

"Well, if you or Ronnie need me, Benny, I'll be at the Porters' for book club," Tamara, his mom, gave us a warm smile as she opened the door. "Have fun at the sandlot today, you two."

Benny said bid his mom a goodbye and said to me, "I'm sorry, my mom can be crazy sometimes."

"I wouldn't call her crazy. She's just always excited for almost everything," I said and Benny laughed.

"You're right though," Benny said. "Im going to go get ready and we'll head to the sandlot."

"Ok," I said.

"I knew that you and Benny would be together one day." I heard and saw Veronica smirking.

"What?" I asked and Veronica laughed.

"Cassie, I love how you're so innocent." She said. "Benny likes you, Cassie!"

"What?! No! Veronica, Benny doesn't like me!" I said.

"And I know you like him!" She said.

"Veronica! Keep your voice down he's gonna hear you!" I whispered and yelled at the same time.

"OK, ok, but if you and Benny start dating then I'll say that I told you!" Veronica laughed.

"Whatever," I said.


word count for the story: 1160

I'm so proud of myself for the word count in the story.

In this chapter, I wanted to show a #Bessie moment and what their family members think about the two best friends.

Thanks to everyone who are reading the chapter.

I really want more people to read this story so please spread the word to others! Thanks!


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