A Different 4th of July

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Benny's POV

that night...

Cassie eventually finished baking her brownies and went back to get ready for the block party tonight. That moment while we were dancing keeps replaying in my head. 

"So what happened with you and Cassie?" I heard and turned around to see Veronica.

"Nothing happened, Ronnie." I waved her off and she smirked.

"Are you dumb or did I not see you and Cassie almost kiss?" She asked. "Because the way you had your hands on her waist told me other wise."

"First of all, I'm not a perv and second, you are right we did almost kissed, but then Cassie had  her brownies in the oven. It was a hit or miss." I said shrugging and she smirked again. 

"Little brother, are you blind or something?" Veronica said as she scoffed.

"Nah, I'm not blind because I can perfectly see." I said.

"Well, you are blind because you can't see that you like Cassie!" She exclaimed. I don't like Cassie. All I ever see her as is my bestfriend and nothing more.

"I don't like her like that, Veronica!" I snapped and went upstairs. 

"Alright, alright, geez! Someone must be in a bad mood." Veronica exclaimed as she mumbled the last part.

I walked upstairs and shut up my door. I sat on the edge of my bed and looked at the picture on my bed stand of Cassie and I. It was a picture of her and I last year. I gave her a piggy back ride at the school carnival we had last year.

"What if I break your back?" Cassie asked as she bit her lip. I laughed.

"Cassie, you are as light as a feather." 

"Fine." She said and went on my back. Cassie and I went to the carnival with both our moms and our friends too.

"Smile!" My mom said and she got the camera my dad bought her for her birthday last month.

"Thats so cute!"

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!"

"Just be a couple already!"

We both laughed at our friends. "Got it!" My mom exclaimed in happiness.

I laughed at the memory. My mom has a bunch of pictures of Cassie and I. I always remember her saying, "You and Cassie would be a great couple!"

I would always complain about that and I even rolled my eyes. I would always get a lecture on how that is rude.


"Mom, I'm heading to the lot now for our 4th of July game." I said going into the kitchen to see my mom cooking something.

"Ok, but be back by 8:00 for the flag ceremony." She said and I nodded.

"Love you!" She exclaimed. "Love you too!" I exclaimed back as grabbed bat and mitt.

I walked out the door and saw Veronica talking to a guy. She is gonna kill me later and I already know that.

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