Inside jail

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Nevaeh's pov

Jonah was getting his stitches taken out today. He looked a lot better from the fight a couple weeks ago but his black eye is still their and he'll probably have a scar forever on his forehead. But he's still gonna be apart of his gang. Apparently he has a whole tattoo of the gang name.

I felt really bad telling Austin that Codie is dead. I was their for him when he was in the hospital but he never woke up. Jonah is all worked up about it but he'll will get over it after time. I know Austin is gonna be worked up because he left me on the phone when I called him last night.

Jonah has barley been talking since the whole incident happened. His funeral is in a couple of days and I know Austin is gonna be mad that he can't go be their and pay his respects.

"Dam ouch" Jonah flinched

"Looks like you suffered something a little worse then taking stitches out son" The doctor said

"Yeah" He mumbled

He hopped off the table and went to look at his face in the mirror. He fixed his zip up and we were about to leave but the doctor wanted to talk to Jonah alone. I waited outside while he was in their. After a few minutes he came out and he didn't have any sort of expression on his face to indicate what that was all about.

"What happened?" I asked

"Nothing" He shrugged

Jonah was quiet the whole way home and I felt like I needed to say something to make him feel better but I know nothing I'm gonna say is actually gonna make him feel better. He just lost one of his closest friends that I didn't even know about. I'm sure my dad doesn't know he's in a gang either.

"Jonah I'm really sorry you lost your friend. Austin was his best friend too and he's not even gonna get to go to the funeral" I explained

"Yeah I know but it still stings like a bitch nothing you say is gonna make me feel better" He shot

"I know J" I sighed

When I got back to my house Kamryn was sitting in the driveway waiting to pick Kj up. Tiffany was watching him right now while I took Jonah to get his stitches out. We've come a long way since the accident and my dads practically been begging us to get along with her so I'm trying.

"Hey what's up" Kamryn said

"Nothing just got back from getting Jonah's stitches out"

"Oh dam what happened?"

"Just a fight" I shrugged

Jonah came back outside the door slamming behind him. Texas was getting cold during this time of the year. It was December and almost Christmas and almost Kjs year old birthday. I was about a month and a half pregnant now so I have to tell Austin when we go visit him tonight.

"Here's your baby" Jonah said handing him over

I kissed Kj on his forehead and he put him in his car seat and shut the door. He said goodnight to me and drove off.

"Are you ready to go see Austin?"

"Yeah lets go"

We drove to the jail which was about 40 minutes away. I was happy that I was gonna see Austin because I really miss him. It's like I don't know what to do because we're not together and I have all these feelings for him. I knew this wasn't a good idea. Having a hookup is different then keeping having sex with one person because you get attached.

"Who are you here to see?" The guard asked

"Austin Mahone" I answered

We were patted down and had to put our stuff in a box like our keys, phones and wallets to make sure we weren't smuggling anything into them I guess. I've never visited someone in jail before so I didn't know how this worked.

"You can go sit over their and then he will come out and you get one hug on the way in and out. You girlfriend one kiss way in and out" He ordered

We sat down at one of the tables and waited for Austin to come out. The buzzer went off and Austin walked in after a couple people. They took his cuffs off and I couldn't help but jump up and pull him into the biggest hug. He pulled me into a kiss cradling my face making it a little longer the the guards liked.

"Mahone take a seat"

Jonah gave him a hug and then he sat down in front of me. He smiled and he looked happy to see us like I did. He pulled something out of his pocket that was tiny. He placed it on the table and slid to towards me.

"A paper rose?" I smiled

"An origami rose I made it for you"

"I didn't know you did origami"

He flashed me his smile and looked around the room. He looked different his hair was longer and he had it pushed back. He had a new tattoo on his forearm it was a rose with blood dripping down it.

"Is this the mrs?" Someone said

"Brax this is Nevaeh"

"Your girl?" Someone with red hair said

"Uh Veah these are my boys, Slash Brax and his little brother the newest member to the gang Jax. They all knew Codie" He frowned at the end

"Sexy girl" Jax smirked

"Nice to meet you all this is my little brother Codie"

"Codie was my boy too I'm apart of the Havins" Jonah smirked

Jonah gave this tough guy look as if all these guys standing in front of him weren't tougher. Jonah has a big ego and he thinks he's real tough when he's only 15 but that's Jonah for you.

"Oh yeah you know the prostitutes I run that" Brax cocked

"Say your goodbyes visits over" They yelled

"Austin wait I need to tell you something"

"What?" He asked hugging me

"I'm pregnant"

"Your what?" He said

The guards pulled him and all his friends back into jail. I stood their staring at him. He was yelling something I couldn't hear because he was already far behind the glass. I didn't wanna tell him like that but I have no other choice.

"Well dam" Jonah said scratching the back of his head

"I know that's not how I wanted to tell him"

"No veah Lexie is going into labor" He panicked

"Holy shit"

"Oh my god I'm not ready to be a dad"

I grabbed his shoulders and shook him a little. I gave him a pep talk on how he can handle this. He tried pulling himself together and nodded his head. We left the jail and sped over to the hospital. I was about to be an aunt.

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