I can't exactly speak for everyone else with depression but here's how it's like for me.
In everyday life, I just have this pain in my chest. It's as if I have a hole there. And yet, at the same time I feel as if I'm being consumed by a dark cloud. It doesn't feel comfortable.
I feel slower and everything I used to love isn't as enjoyable anymore. When I wake up, I'm already tired. I sleep so much more often. After all, it's the closest I can get to death without harming myself (I'll talk about self-harm and suicide in the next chapter) People don't really understand when I tell them I'm tired. They usually say, "But you just woke up!" Well I have depression, I don't work the same way.
Depression And I
غير روائيA book on my experiences with depression. May contain sensitive content not for the weak of heart.