The trouble begin

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"What the hell?!"

Both Neru and Risa were surprised by the sudden voice.

Standing before them was non other than Harada Aoi, Risa's ex-seatmate. Aoi stutterly confronted them.

"R-R-Risa...? and N-N-Nagahama-san...? W-what are you guys doing?"

Risa stared at Aoi and gave her a frightening glare.

"None of your business. Nobody should know about this, you got me?" she threatend Aoi.

Aoi wanted to say something, but she refrained herself. Risa's scary glare was enough to shut her up.

"H-hai. I won't tell anyone..." she answered dejectfully.

Risa smirked. She approached Aoi then gave her a pat on the head.

"Good, girl~"

Neru smiled at the scene. She always love Risa's sadisctic nature. But despite that fact, she also enjoyed having Risa bow before her. Begging for her love.

The three of them walked back to their classroom awkwardly. Aoi walked between Neru and Risa. Aoi never felt so awkward in her whole life. She cried silently. Once they reached the classroom, Aoi hurriedly rushed to her seat.

"I'm safe...," she murmured to herself.

On the other side, Neru and Risa walked to their seats silently. None of them talked until the school's over. Even on their way home, none of them said a word the entire time. Dani who also walked with them that day, could felt the icy atmosphere. But she didn't say anything, she only sighed.


It was Friday that day. Everything went as usual. Risa and Neru still haven't talked to each other. After the lessons were over, Techi suddenly stand.

"Minna, tomorow is my birthday. And i'm inviting everyone!" she announced.

Everyone were surprised.Techi wasn't only known for her ikemen look, but she also known for her family wealth. Usually she only invited her close friends and some elite students to her parties. Everyone cheered happily. Who didn't want to be invited on an exclusive party?

"But remember, you all need to wear either a dress or a suit. I hope you all will be there." She continued while looking spesifically at Neru.

Everyone were murmuring with their friends. Manaka and Dani turned their head to Neru and Risa.

" about we go to shibuya today?" sugested Manaka.

"Mm...Is it really necessary?" Dani argued.

"Of course. We're going to an elite party. We need to dress properly," said Manaka.

"Mm~ I think it's a good idea. I want to look beautiful at Techi's birthday party." Neru said with misterious smile.

Risa scoffed.

(What a cheap girl. Trying to impress that rich arrogant kid... So annoying!)

Manaka waved her hand in front of Risa.

"Risa? Risa~ Earth to Risa!"

"Huh? What?" Risa asked Manaka with an annoyed face.

Manaka sighed.

"I said, let's get going now. We're going to rent some clothes." Said Manaka with a gentle voice.


Once they arrived at shibuya, they went looking for a store which rented clothings. Manaka was really excited. She wanted to look cool at the party.

"Yosh. I'm going to wear a suit at the party!" said Manaka.

Risa raised her eyebrow.

"A suit? Why not a dress ?" she asked Manaka.

Manaka scoffed.

"I want to look cool. I won't look cool on a freaking dress." Answered Manaka.

(Hmm...I wonder if I would look cool on a suit- wait but Manaka's already the one who will wear a suit...)

Risa sighed.

"I think you would look cool on a suit too~" Neru told Risa.

Risa glanced at Neru. She was going to say something but Manaka cutted her.

"Nah...I'll be the one who wear the suit. So she have to wear a dress. I bet Risa will look gorgeous in a dress." Said Manaka with a stupid grin.

Risa looked down. She didn't know wether to be flattered by Manaka's complement or angry at her selfish request. Dani noticed Risa's bad mood so she tried to lighten her up.

"You can wear anything you want. To hell with the pervert's dirty imagination." She dissed Manaka.

"Hey! I'm not a pervert! I-I just think that-" Manaka tried to retorted.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever. Let's just find the damn store and then buy some ice creams. I'm thirsty," said Dani.

15 minutes later, they managed to find a nice store which renting their clothings. Manaka eyes lited up when she saw the suits section. She went to the suits section on her own, leaving the others behind. She wistled.

"Which one is good on me...-meh anything look good on me." Manaka said with a smug face.

Dani shook her head.

"That kid... Ne, Risa do you want to go to the suits section or the dresses section?" Dani asked Risa.

Risa was depth in her thought. She wanted to wear a suit (No no, it's definitely not to impress Neru. Nuh uh.)

But she didn't want to dissapointed her girlfriend, Manaka wanted to see her on a dress. She sighed.

"...The dresses section," she reluctantly answered.

"Are you sure? You look reluctant..." asked Dani.

Risa groaned.

"Yes, I'm sure. Let's just go to the dresses section."

She rushed to the dresses section, dragging Neru (who was only silent the whole time) with her. Dani was petrified for a moment, then she hurriedly followed Risa and Neru to the dresses section. She yelled.

"Hey, wait for meeeh..."

At the end, Manaka rented a black suit with a dark blue necktie. Risa rented a dark blue dress (matching with Manaka's necktie). Dani rented a black dress (we all know Oda have a bad fashion sense). While Neru bought an ellegant and expensive red dress. Manaka raised her eyebrow at Neru.

"You bought the dress? How did you get the money?"

"I have a lot of savings," Neru answered shortly.

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