Cold Autumn

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*Knock* *knock* Risa knocked Manaka's door a few times. *badump* *badump* she could feel her heart beating fast. She was so nervous and afraid of how Manaka will react. Will she yell at her? slap her? (I do deserve all that don't I? After all, what I've done to her is so much worse.) Risa thought bitterly.

A few minutes later, she was face to face to her soon to be ex-girlfriend.

"Hai....- uh, Risa~" *bright smile* "What's up? Why didn't you tell me that you-"

Risa stopped Manaka from talking further.

"Listen, Manaka I..." Risa wanted to say "I want to break up with you" right away, but the words are just stuck inside her throat.

Manaka was confused by Risa's strange act.

"You...what? Tck. Why don't we get inside first? It's cold out here," she told Risa.

Then Manaka held Risa's hand and escort Risa to her her room. On the way to Manaka's room, Risa was greeted by Manaka's mom.

Mrs. Shida walked towards the pair, she noticed Risa's gloomy face.

"Ara~ Risa-chan, daijobu? You don't look really well..." *worry expression*

*tiny smile* "H-hai. I'm fine, aunty. You don't have to worry."

(Manaka's the one you should worry about. Someone like me doesn't deserve your simpathy, Shida-san.)

"Are you sure?-"

Manaka noticed Risa's discomfort, so she prevented her mother from asking Risa further questions.

"Ah, me and Risa are going to do homework together so...ikou, Risa." *dragging Risa upstair*

*murmured* "Homework...? but Risa didn't bring anything...." *confused*


Risa and Manaka were sitting on Manaka's bed. Risa was silent so Manaka tried to inisiate a conversation.

*cleared throat* "So....what were you trying to tell me again?"

*cold sweat* Risa's heart was beating like crazy and her throat felt so dry. She took a deep breath and looking at Manaka directly in the eyes. Manaka was looking at her with such a gentle gaze, she felt like a trash for what she'll about to do to Manaka. She'll break the girl's heart. The girl who healed her, loved her, care for her.

(A trash like me doesn't deserve an angel like you, Manaka. You deserve so much more. Gomen ne...)

"I-I want to break up with you, Manaka."

Manaka could only blinked. She didn't know how to react. Never once in her life she would except Risa, the love of her life would say those cursed words. She looked down, fresh tears falling from her eyes.

Shida Manaka, crying? She felt so uncool. She never, well rarely shed a tear for someone. Hence her friends called her "the cool". But losing a lover is enough to make a stoic man cry. Because the pain was just too unbearable.

Risa could feel her own tears threatening to fall, but she tried her best to held her tears. With shaky voice, she apologized to Manaka. Her now ex-girlfriend.

"G-gomen ne, Manaka ex-girlfriend that I've told you about , she is actually your sister Neru."

Manaka looked up. "W-what??!" *shocked expression*

Manaka laughed bitterly.

"Sou desu ne. Those longing gaze that you gave her...I just didn't want to believe that my own sister and lover betrayed me. But guess the jokes on me now. You and Neru....are the worst."

Who Do You Love Most? a RisaNeru romance/supernatural fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now