The Watanabe Family

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Watanabe Mayu is the head family of the legendary healer elves, the Watanabes family. Like their title, the Watanabes are elves. Specifically, healer elves. Anything can be cured by their hands. Human diseases like cancer, supernatural diseases like wolf bane-crazed werewolves, you name it. They could even heal open wounds or broken bones.

Mayu's wife, Yuki is a sirene. But no, a sirene is not a mermaid. Mermaids and sirenes are similar yet different kinds. Sirenes commonly lives in the woods, some lives in the deserted area outside forests. Just like mermaids, sirenes love to lure lost humans with their outstanding beauty. Once those humans enchanted by their singing, their lives will end by being eaten by the beautiful but dangerous creatures.

Mayu was one of the unlucky human, or elf on this case. Mayu was on camping trip with her friends. She was assigned to search for dry woods to cook their foods and warm their bodies.

"Mou~ why it has to be meeeh? This forest is so freaking huuuge. What if I get lost???" *Mayu whined*

*Scoffed* "Come on Mayu. Don't be such a baby. If you lost, we'll throw a party. The whole town invited. Hahaha." *Jurina laughed*

*Everyone laugh with Jurina*

*Mayu cutely pout* "You're such a meanie, Ju."

"But seriously though. You're a genius, Shiriri-chan. You'll remember your way here." *Squirrel grin*

*Scoffed* "Hnnn~ O-of course I will. My IQ is waaay bigger than any of you idiots."

Mayu crossed her hand like a boss and then walked away to collect some dry woods. Her friends just chuckled at the little mouse's antics.

*Sasshi whispered* "You think the kid will be fine alone?"

"No worries. My Shiriri-chan is tougher than she looks. Trust okay, she'll make it without a scratch." Said Yuko.


Meanwhile, deep inside the forest Mayu kept on cursing her friends for making her collecting woods alone. What if some wild animal attack me or if I forget the way back??? I could've die heeere. And alooone. *Crying inside*

*Twig cracking noise*

"Eh? Wha...w-what was that?" *Mayu whispered*

*Something steps on dry leaves noise*

"W-w-what are you? I-i'm not afraid of you. S-show yourself!!!" Said Mayu while holding a small stick on her right hand like a sword.

Mayu's body was shaking like crazy. But with the little bravery she had, she didn't run. Instead, she holds her stick/sword on a ready to strike position.

*Skssssks* *skssssks*

"I said s-show yourself!!! Y-you hear meh? I-i'm not afraid of-"

(°o°) Mayu was stunned by the beautiful goddess in front of her.

*Mayu whispered breathlessly* "So beautiful...." (I think I'm staring at a Goddess right now)

The girl smiled a bit shily.

"Hello...." *Charming smile*

"H-hai....." *Smiling like an idiot*

The gorgeous girl in a light brown dress eyed Mayu's hand then raised her delicate eyebrow.

Mayu realized that she still holding a stick, throwing the stick on the ground while laughing awkwardly.

"I-i thought you were some wild animals or something. Eheh."

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