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Ming's POV

It was very refreshing to be around someone who claimed to not hate you but his actions were telling you otherwise.

Lame. I heard a familiar voice said. When I turned to look it was the guy in the library.

I didn't know what has gotten into me but I followed him as soon as he left. He walked briskly.

"Ming!" I heard the woman I was with called out.

"Fah, I just need to go to the toilet. " I reasoned out.

"Come look for me later, okay? " she blew a kiss.

I nodded and pretend to catch her kiss then put it in my left chest. I saw her giggled.

I scanned the bar especially the direction where I saw him heading a while ago.

There. "Ming, " a guy blocked me on the way. "What are you doing here alone? " my sight never left the man.

It was his friend from the same department. "Look, I have to catch a friend. See you around. " then left hastily.

I was in a rush that I bumped into some people along the way. "Sorry, sorry."

The women I bumped just smiled whenever they realized it was me.

Finally. I saw him sit in a group of familiar faces.

"There you are, " I attacked Yo surprising him.

I threw him a side glance. He looked surprised, maybe he recognized me.

"Good to see you, Beam" I managed to say after he greeted me. He seemed to be in a bad mood though.

When I told Yo that I was searching for their table for quite a while. I heard him say something.


I was waiting for this moment to engage him in a conversation without looking aggressive.

"Excuse me? " I suppressed a smile.

When I turned to him, he's seemingly nervous.

Pha introduced him before he could reply.

I lifted my hand for a handshake. "Kit, hmm. Nice to meet you."

He looked anxious, different emotions crossed his face. It was very amusing to see.





This person never ceased to amaze me.

He appeared to be reluctant to shake hands but he took it after thinking deeply.

Originally,  I intended it to be short but his hand was shaking and a bit sweaty so I held it firmly.

"I can't say that the feeling is mutual" he made it sound like a joke but there was a sarcasm in it.

Interesting. This is going to be really interesting. I didn't realized I've been holding him a little longer than necessary when he tried to break free. I let go.

Pha said to sit beside him and I was glad to do so.

He wasn't very pleased with what Pha suggested. I knew, he wanted to protest but he stopped himself.

Suddenly, I came up with an idea of pissing him off.

I kept grinning as I walked towards him. He's really cute, I thought.

"Don't you know that it is rude to stare? " I heard him say.

I did not speak and I continued to what I was doing.

Looking at him very agitated on his seat motivated me to tease him even more.

So I positioned myself in a way that I could have a better view of him.

He was definitely annoyed by what I did. I was feeling his animosity towards me.

He stood up, it was like a reflex for me to stop him from leaving by holding his wrist.

"Why do you sound so angry? " I asked. I know it was stupid to do so after deliberately pestering him.

But, I just want him to talk to me. Why do I want him to talk to me? I questioned myself.

I couldn't come up with an answer myself so I just discarded the thought.

Suppressing his irritation, "I. Am. Not" he replied.

The look on his face was hilarious. I couldn't stop myself from laughing out loud.

Their friends turned their heads on us with a questioning look.

He seemed to hate attention so I just said he was very funny which they quickly opposed.

I hushed when they started talking about going home.

"Well,  I can take you home, " I blurted out.  "Only if you want. " I smiled widely.

Why did I offer to take him home? The night is young. It's too early to go home,  it'll surely take time to go back here. I realized that recently I've developed the habit of saying something without thinking about it.

He was very quiet while I was driving.  I wanted to open a conversation but I didn't know where to start.

Wow, I usually never ran out of first moves.

Why I cannot come up with any right now?

Surprise.  Surprise.

The silence was deafening until my phone rang. It was on my pocket and it was tightly placed.

I looked at him as if asking for help.

Like it was so natural, I need not to say a word for him to understand.
He came closer, my heart stopped when he was inches away.

What the hell is happening? confused,  I asked myself.

After for what seemed like a lifetime, he handed me the phone and I exhaled the air I didn't know I kept inside when he was near. I felt relieved when he moved away.

I answered the call using my usual charm in talking with women. I made sure the conversations were brief.

While talking on the phone,  I sometimes steal a glance at him. I wasn't sure if he was pissed, disgusted or what. He was able to convey his emotions all at once.

"If I didn't know you're a man,  I would think you're jealous. " I teased.  I was testing the waters.

"And I'm glad I am, I don't wanna end up as one of your victims. "

I wasn't sure of what to respond but I am certain about one thing,  I am not happy with his answer.

He was in deep thought when suddenly demanded for me to apologize.

Then he reminds me of the incident earlier this morning. It dawned on me. I wanted to explain myself but he cut me off.

I parked my car in front of his dormitory.

He quickly opened the door. "Wait, " I blurted out, as if he haven't had enough teasing for the day, "What about a good night kiss? " I added.

He slammed the door.

"See you soon,  Kitty. " a promised I whispered that I intend to keep.

So It's You [MingKit completed]Where stories live. Discover now