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Kit's POV

Ming kissed me.

I froze.

I was so shocked that I couldn't move.

I should have stopped him.

I should have pushed him away.

I should have, what?

I let him be. You let him be Kit.

Slowly, he pulled his head. "There you are, "He used his thumb to wipe the coffee stain on his lips.

"Your kind of coffee is sweet or. " he deliberately stopped,a mischievious smile was displayed on his lips. "was it just your lips? "

"What the hell did you do? " Almost a whisper still startled at what happened.

"What? " he acted clueless at what I was referring to.

"I said what did you do? " after I recovered from shocked.

"You had something on your lips, I took the liberty to clean it, " he said casually.

"You could have just wiped it or told me but, " I paused. "Yo-you kiss-d me, " I stammered.

"I was just removing the foam in your lips," he expounded, he sounded like it wasn't a big deal.

I didn't know what to say so I stood up, stepped closer and kicked his legs. After I was satisfied, I left him in agony.

I heard moan in pain.

I walked swiftly.

"Not so fast Kitty, " he caught up with me by the door. He stopped me by gently holding my arm.

I removed his hand.

I arched my brow, "Don't touch me, "

"I won't apologize, you know. " he said, still wincing. "

"Tsk, " I muttered. "I did not ask you to. " I developed the habit of saying what's on my mind out loud. It wasn't helping me at all. "I me-ann, argh.. " my mind went blank. Why the hell did I say that? I can't think of any retort.

I left him and tried to avoid him but he was quicker than me, "What did you say? " the wicked smile never left his face.

"none, " I walked briskly. "Just so you know I did not like it, "

"Just so you know, I did. " he used my line to tease me more.

I stopped and turned to him. "Stop following me, " I said sternly.

I headed to the parking lot. He was still walking behind.

"I told you to stop following me, " I turned to him again.

"I am not, this is where I parked my car. " he pointed towards the area where I was heading. He smiled confidently.

I made face and ignored him instead.

When I reached my car, he halted behind me too.

I looked at him, "So where's your car? " I said, challenging him.

He took out something on his pocket and clicked it.

A car infront of mine alarmed.

"See?" he said. "Even our cars are destined to be this close to each other and so are we. . "

I glared at him. "In your dreams, " I opened my car door but he was quick to go behind me and close it back.

I gave him a questioning look.

He opened it again. "You may now enter, my Kitty, " he said and acted like I was a royal highness he was ushering.

I closed it and opened again. "I don't need you to open it for me, "

I entered my car and about to close when he blocked it.

He sternly looked at me, "I know you are capable of doing things on your own, " he started.

"You can pull the chair by yourself and you don't need me to open doors for you, " he looked forlorn. "But I want to do those things for you because I want to."

He then left, I felt somewhat guilty.

I shrugged it off.

I watched as he drove away.

It's better that way Kit, with him you can never be so sure.

I started my engine to finally go home.

For some reason, it won't start.

I tried over and over again until I gave up.

I was never good at engine. I always had it checked to make sure it won't act up on me but I think, a basic knowledge would help at times like this.

I sighed. I decided to call Beam.

"How is my Kitty? " Beam greeted him.

"What's with you people calling me Kitty? " I retorted.

He laughed. "It is just our way of telling you we care, " he replied still laughing.


"What's with the call at this hour? " he asked.

I remember my reason for calling him. "Can you please pick me up? " I asked.

"Why? "

"My car won't start and I don't know what's wrong. " I said helplessly.

"Did you check the battery? " he asked.

"This thing has a battery? " I asked back.

He laughed out loud. "Why do you have a car when you know nothing about it? "

"Hehe, funny. " I said sarcastically. "That's why we have a technician to do it for us. I am giving them a livelihood. "

"Excuses, "

"Are you going to help me or not? " I said, annoyed.

"Where are you? "

"In the city, Changmi Hotel parking lot. "

"That's quite far from where I am besides Forth drove me here so I didn't bring my car. "

"Beam, a simple "no" would have sufficed, " I told him.

"Grumpy as always, Kit? " he chuckled.

"Tsk, okay. I'll call Pha. Maybe he can help, "

"I don't think he can, he is with Yo. " he said. "You know, he doesn't know anybody when he is with him. "

"Why do I have friends who are fool in love? "

"I am not, " he snickered quickly.

"If you say so, " I knew he would react that way.

"Anyway, I'll call a friend to come and pick you up. " he said, trying to change the topic.

I pressed my lips together.

"Just stay put, " he said. "I gotta go, Forth is calling me, "

"Beam, wai-," he hung up.

How would I know if who among his friends?

He is a social butterfly so I am not surprised if he has friends everywhere.

I trust him so I'll just wait.

I leaned my head on the backrest and closed my eyes.

This was a long day.

I am glad this was over.

You're making me crazy.

Ming, I said.

"At your service, " I heard someone said.

I opened my eyes and I was surprised to see him.

So It's You [MingKit completed]Where stories live. Discover now