Genevieve is a 25 year old who has gone through a lot. She can't trust anyone, but her sister and her best friend Jessica. Maddox has always been on his own. The only things he cares about is his best friend Mitch, his gang The Recruits of the Rejec...
It's been a month since Maddox said I had to stay with him.I begged him to let me bring Apollo when I moved in and thankfully he let me. It's not as bad as I thought. At first we didn't even talk to each other. After a couple days I opened up. I mean if I'm going to be stuck here for awhile I might as well be nice. Maddox is a really good guy though. I can tell he cares about me. I care about him too but I can't start a relationship with him, but he is making it really hard for me. We have a very flirtatious relationship though. It's weird I act different around him. I'm not a scared broken girl, I'm this strong fierce woman. Life really didn't change. I still go to work but he isn't very far behind. The girls always joke about it. Today he said I was meeting the guys. Maddox told me to dress up a little bit because we were going out to some bar so I put on my velvet shorts and my black tank top that showed a little bit of cleavage. I wanted to be extra today so I decided to do my makeup more than usual. I put on my boot heels when I hear a knock at my door.
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"Who is it?" I ask even though I know the answer. "Police" Maddox says in a sarcastic tone. "It's open" I yell from the bathroom. I see Ryder jump on my bed and start playing with Apollo. "Come on princess. The boys will be waiting." I walk out of the bathroom to see Maddox in a white shirt and black jeans. He has his jacket on and he looks like a god. He hasn't noticed me yet because he's putting his gun on the holster.
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"All right I'm ready." I said. I grab my jacket out of my closet and I noticed he was staring. I started laughing he had a tendency of staring at me. "Like what you see" I said.He realizes that he was staring and gets all red. He grabs my hand and he starts walking towards the garage. "Maddox the car is in the driveway" I said. "I know we aren't taking the car." He opens the door to show his motorcycle. "No way I'm not getting on that death trap." I've never rode on a motorcycle and I plan on it staying like that. "Don't worry princess I won't let you fall." He puts a helmet on me and jumped on. I hesitatingly got on behind him. I put my arms around his waist. "Ready" he said. "As ready as I will ever be." We pull out of the driveway and start heading toward the bar. Why have I never done this before. The wind is blowing and everything is moving in blurs. I've never felt more free in my life. We continue to drive for another 20 minutes before we pull up in front of the bar. "See it wasn't so bad" he said. He opens the door for me and my eyes automatically jump to a group of guys in the corner of the bar. You could tell some of them had been drinking. They all had the same jacket as Maddox they all said the same thing. " Recruits of the Rejected" We start walking towards them when one opens his mouth. "Roadkill over here" Maddox lets me sit before he pulls up a chair. "Boys this is Gen, Gen this is the boys." Maddox says with a grin. "Pleasure to meet you miss" an older man said while kissing my hand. "Careful Rex you don't want to upset Roadkill over here that's his girl." Another man with tattoos all over his face said laughing. "Both of you guys are a mess." Maddox says. "Alright Gen the guy who kissed you is Rex, next to him is Aero, then that is Mitch he said pointing to a tall blond, next to him is his girl Jezebel" she is beautiful and talking to a young scrawny guy. "The guy she is talking to is Twitch and lastly the guy at the bar is the boss. We call him the Old Man." We all hang out for awhile and play pool before Jezebel and I walk outside. "I'm so happy I'm not the only girl anymore." She says She is really nice and pretty. She is the color of caramel and her hair is a curly Afro. She isn't much taller then me and not that much older either. "We need to hang out together. I never have any girl recruits." "That sounds great I don't really get out much anyway." I tell her "You know he really likes you right?" "Who?" "Roadkill you dummy. I see the way he looks at you." She says laughing "Oh yeah. Why do call him Roadkill. Most of y'alls nicknames make sense Twitch can't sit still for longer then two seconds without fidgeting. Rex is literally the size of a dinosaur. Roadkill just doesn't make sense." "It's not my place to tell, but we all earned our nicknames one way or another." The door to the bar opens and the boys all walk/stumble out. Maddox walks over to me and puts his hands around my waist. "Ready to go princess?" "Yeah lets go." The ride home was just as fun as the ride to the bar. We get in the house and I go to make some food when I see Maddox walking up to me. He turns me around and puts his hand on my face. I stand there frozen. "Princess" "Y..Yes" I stutter "What would you do if I kissed you right now?" "I don't know" Then it happened he kissed me. The funny part is I kissed back. Our lips moved in sync until I broke the kiss for air. "Maddox, I...." "I really like you Genevieve. I know I've only known you a month and I move to fast and my life isn't the greatest but I want you to be in it" I look in to his blue eyes and can't help but fall for him. So I did the thing any girl would do in that situation. I kissed him. Hello my beautiful losers. I tried to make up for my last short chapter. I hope you are enjoying the story so far. Don't forget to favorite and comment.😘