Part 14

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"Princess you there?"
Maddox he sounds hurt. Oh my God what happened to him.
"Maddox what's wrong?"
"Nothing Im stuck at the police station there was a fight with another gang"
"I have bail money under the mattress."
   "I'll be right there."
I rush and call Jezebel and she says Mitch just called her saying the same thing. We get in the car and I'm freaking out while Jezebel is as cool as a cucumber.
   "Relax girly this isn't the first time something like this has happened and it won't be the last." She says patting my hand.
We pull up in front of the police station and walk inside.
There is a man at the front desk who looks very much annoyed until he sees us.
"Well hello Ms. Jezebel. I assume you are here for Mr. Gardner" He says with a smile.
"Yep as always."
The man looks at me and gives me a stern look.
"Who are you here for?"
"Um Maddox... Maddox Parks"
He tells us to sit down while he walks through a doorway.
We sit there for about five minutes before the door swings open and Maddox and Mitch walk out.
"See you next week John." Maddox says laughing.
"Get out of here Parks." The man said smiling back.
Maddox walks over and pulls me into a hug.
"I scared you didn't I?"
"Yeah I'm just happy your ok."
When I look up at him I notice his lip is busted and he is starting to get a black eye.
"Maddox your face" I say while touching his lip.
   "I'm fine I promise you should see the other guy."
We all head back to the house and have some beer. We bought root beer for Jezebel and she thought it was hilarious. Mitch is sitting on the the recliner with Jez and I'm cuddling with Maddox on the couch. I look up and see he's asleep and I can't help but smile. I can't leave him,but I know Justin won't think twice about hurting him. It was most likely Justin's gang that attacked the Recruits. Maddox can't know that he was here or that he is now a gang leader.I can't risk him getting even more hurt. So that's it then I have to brake up with Maddox.
I can feel tears starting to run down my cheeks at the thought of not having Maddox anymore.
Jezebel and Mitch leave and now it's just me and Maddox.
I try to avoid him but he noticed.
"Babe, what's wrong?"
"Nothing I'm just not feeling good ok."
"Gen we both know that's not true."
This is my chance just say you don't want to be with him.
"Maddox I...."
I'm cut off by his phone.
"It's Aero."He says answering his phone.
"Dude slow down what happened... Twitch did what... Who was it.... I'll be there."
He seemed mad but also worried.
"What happened?" I ask.
"Someone attacked Twitch. He is in really bad condition. The guys think it's the same gang that fought us earlier."
My heart stops Justin said he would hurt the Recruits if I didn't brake it off with Maddox. We get in the car and drive to the hospital.
When we get there most of the Recruits are in the waiting room. Aero walks up and starts talking to Maddox.
"He is stable right now but pretty banged up." Aero says.
"Did you find anything that could tell us who the hell did this."
"Not much just this necklace."
When he holds up the necklace I recognize it instantly. Justin gave it to me when we were together.
I start walking to the front door I need fresh air before I faint. I hear feet behind me and I know it's Maddox. I turn around to see him lighting a cigarette.
"It's to tight in there." I say
He just looks at me and continues to smoke. We stand in silence until he decides to speak.
"If your not going to tell me what's wrong I can't help."
"I told you nothing is wrong."
I look up at him and his crystal blue eyes are turning dark blue.
He's mad but not at me. He is mad at Justin he doesn't know it but he is.

The Bad And The Broken #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now