Feelings are Fragile

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Feelings are fragile

They are glass globes

Balancing on the edge

Teetering with every comment

Waiting for the one thing,

the one thing to push them over

Feelings are fragile

They are what makes you vulnerable

What makes you human

They are a weak spot

One that everyone has

One place that can destroy anyone

No matter how much they deny it

I am drowning in my feelings

But I also need them like oxygen

I need to be able to feel

No matter what the Damage

Feelings are fragile

They are horrible to catch

Amazing if someone has them for you

The best thing in the world when mutal

Our feelings hold us captive

Killing us and keeping us alive

Torturing us until we finally break

Feelings are fragile

Because the amount of power they hold

Feelings are fagile

Because we can't control them

They are miricles

They are curses

They are everything

And they are nothing

Punishments and lessons

Questions and answers

Dreams  and Nightmares

Feelings are fragile

Glass globes balancing

Waiting to fall

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