The Price to Pay

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Rythian was smiling for the first time in a very, very long time. He held Zoey tightly, as she, though confused, hugged him. I was there, nearly bursting out in nonstop guffaws at Rythian's reaction. But I could hold it back, because Tull wasn't around. I wondered where he could be, but Tull was thief, he could be anywhere. I didn't think very much of it. Finally, Rythian and Zoey released each other, and Rythian put a hand on her face.

"You have no idea how much worry you caused us all." He whispered, and I rolled my eyes.

"Especially Rythian." I said, and Zoey turned to look at me questioningly. It was then I realised she didn't know who I was.

"I'm Amelia. Just Amelia. I am the Weapons Master of this server and Rythian's friend. And my idiot of a friend Tull is a thief, but he isn't here." I said, grinning. Zoey giggled.

"I'm Zoey. Zoey Proasheck. I'm a Hacker, a scien- a Mushroom Princess, a band member that is, I'm the vocalist and harmonica player, and-"

"I know you. I lived right next to Blackrock." I stop her quickly, picking up on the fact that she had to stop herself from saying that she was a scientist. Also, I knew all about her already. I was quite the stalker. Zoey giggled some more. If only every day could be this nice and fun. I could find joy in living a simple life...

But no, I was a weapon seller. I associate myself amongst various people from different walks of life. Rebels, pirates. Knights, Thieves. Mad Scientists. I had many friends... And enemies. I had no way of living a normal life. But maybe, I could capture these snippets of happiness, keep them safe in my heart with a lock and key. I smiled at the sight of Rythian and Zoey's love, and I turned around and left. I needn't see more. It was enough.


Amelia left without saying another word, somehow escaping my notice. But Zoey saw her leave. And she questioned me about it. I told her that Amelia had to attend to her shop, because I had no explanation. I wasn't quite sure. The doctors then told me I had to leave, so that they could examine her. As I was told, she couldn't be discharged until she was more mentally and physically healthier. It made sense. Anyone with short blonde hair - Which was oddly common in Sick Bay - caused her to panic. It was all Duncan's fault...

I found Amelia at camp, sitting alone and saying nothing. She was spacing out, staring at nothing. She had this glassy-eyed look that seemed quite mesmerising and hypnotic. It made you wonder about things that didn't matter. It felt silly, but it was quite calming. So as I contemplated about life, I heard the familiar sound of a Jet pack. No. Fucking. Way.

Duncan looked serious, but was smiling childishly at us. Amelia and I snapped out of our trances, and glared at the scientist. He smirked.

"I'm just here to tell you that I'm totally not apologetic about what I did." He said, and I swear, he was giggling like it was hilarious. But then he glanced at Amelia for a short moment, and I saw something in his eyes that I couldn't recognise. But then he turned back to me, the same stupid grin spreading across his stupid face.

"At all." He added, and I gritted my teeth, reaching for the thaumium sword that wasn't there. Duncan held up three weapons.

"I learnt a few tricks from your thief friend." He explained, as Amelia and I both unanimously said :

"You son of a bitch." As he laughed and fired his power arm at us, Amelia pulled me down by the neck. And it hurt. But seeing how the power tool just barely hit me, I was thankful. I could see a sword under my bed, if only I could reach it -

"FUCK YOU DUNCAN!" Amelia had taken a running leap at Duncan, making to stab him with a bayonet. As it seemed she had more than just those two guns he stole. But then, Amelia got hit in the stomach with the power arm's blast, throwing her backwards into our writing desk. It was then Duncan laughed, with Amelia clutching her stomach in extreme agony. But was that bitterness I saw in those blue eyes? I did not stop to think. I grabbed the sword and Duncan and I proceeded with a swordfight, but I was on the losing end.

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