Baby, It's Cold Outside.

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It was unnaturally cold that night, even for the desert. Rythian wondered why it felt so cold, as he sat by Zoey in the hospital. He knew of Polar Deserts, and wondered if that was one of such. But he sat next to Zoey, looking at that robotic arm he made and attached to her. He felt sorry he that could not protect her then, but seeing the girl innocently fiddle with it made the burden of guilt feel lighter. He looked at the silhouette of the girl in the bed closer to the other end of the hospital, and realised that he had more guilt to deal with. Only a month from the incident, and he already hurt two people. Zoey poked Rythian in the forehead.

"What are you lookin' at Rythian?" She asked, and he shook himself.

"Nothing. Just spaced out."

"You look weird when you do that. Cute, but weird."

"Says you."

"Aw, you're saying that I'm cute."

"Yeah. Kinda." He muttered sheepishly, and Zoey giggled, as snow began to fall outside. Was it a polar desert then, if it snowed? How rare and interesting. It only made the scene more romantic. He wondered if someone was mocking him from above. Zoey pulled on his sleeve suddenly, her face going slightly red.

"Say. Were you afraid when I was here?" She asked, and it was clear that she had been worried about it. Rythian understood the question, and he had to ask himself the same thing. Was he afraid? No. He was downright terrified. Terrified of losing her again. So he hugged her, and held on to her as tightly as he could as though she was going to slip through his fingers again.

"I was. I was so scared Zoey. My scared level went skyrocket." He whispered. Somewhere on the other end he could almost hear someone snickering. But he didn't care.

"Zoey, I miss you. Please don't leave me again. Zoey, I need you. I'd grow dark if you leave me. Zoey I... I love... I love you." He said, the confession sincere. And her response was to hold him closely in her arms, and smile.

"I love you too Rythian." She whispered, as the only thing that mattered then, was the sound of two hearts beating as one right then.


Amelia found herself staring out the window, watching the snow fall. The phenomenon was odd, but she knew it existed. If only there was someone for her to share it with, like Rythian and Zoey. But Tull was nowhere to be found. Except, that night after Rythian left and Zoey fell asleep, someone came in. Who could it be, she wondered. And then a certain thief entered, and sat down next to Amelia's bed behind the blinds.

"Hey." He said, smiling peacefully. Amelia smiled.

"Hey." She replied, not quite sure of what to say or ask.

"You know, Duncan came by to apologise. I mean, I got him in the gut. Not too hard, but Rythian dealt the rest. Out of rage. He-"

"I know. I saw from here."

"Ah, yes. Your creepily good eyesight."

"Tull, how long have you known?" Amelia interjected, really wanting the answer.

"Known what?"

"What I was. A Skeleton Human. Monster Child. Es- Esqueleto." she said, although she hated the words she uttered. Tull looked away, out the window.

"Ever since I found out your real name." He said, and she knew. He knew from the very beginning. Tull scratched his neck awkwardly. Amelia smiled, and reached to pat his head. She did that when she wanted to thank someone, or comfort them. But it hurt to lift her hand higher than her shoulder. All she wanted was to touch that fluffy blue hair, that he kept in a ponytail all the time. But Tull seemed to understand. He shook his head as though he did get patted on the head, and chuckled. The his eyes lit up.

"I gotta show you this." He said, pulling his seat nearer to the bedside desk. He cupped his hands over the wooden surface, and when Tull lifted it, there sat a rose, made of ice. But it started to melt almost instantly.

"Still kinda unstable, but isn't this awesome?" Tull said rather than asked, the amber eyes gleaming in joy. Amelia took his hands into her's, with a serene smile.

"Yes Tull, it is." She whispered, even as the ice melted. All this time, when Tull tried his best to stay happy and stop getting angry, not letting the Darkness take over him over anything, following the rules of Light magic, obeying the theories of defeating Darkness. And it was worth it. He regained his frost, and it caused the snow. He might not have full control yet, but it was already fantastic. Tull pulled back a sleeve.

"Look, the shadow's almost gone. I reckon give it a day or so."

"You're causing a blizzard."

"Well yeah... Because... Um... You're the blizzard, and I'm the mage who loves the cold..." He said, his voice faltering. But Amelia already knew. She knew a lot of things. Amelia smiled, pulling off the bandages to reveal a fully - recovered face, and reached over to catch his lips in hers. Tull was surprised at first, but then he relaxed. When they broke apart, he was grinning like an idiot. Confused, but happy.

"What was that for?"

"For saving me, for not beating Rythian up, for accepting me, for being the best friend anyone could ask for, and for loving me." She replied, running a thumb over his knuckles.

"I thought you liked Duncan."

"Well. He's okay, I guess. I can't possibly like him again. He attacked me, he used me. It's tough."

"He still loves you."

"I know." Amelia said, avoiding the fact that Duncan swung by to apologise. Tull sighed, and looked deep into her eyes, trying to find traces of a lie, or even a little truth. But he could barely find one. Amelia was the only person he could never predict or see through. He never really knew when she was truly scared. Did they fit together? Well, there would be only one way to find out.

"Amelia, I love you. Would you take the Leap Of Faith?" He asked, the question they said they would ask the person they truly loved. Amelia chuckled, remembering.

"I would. And if it failed, I would fall with you..." The reply was corny, but it was enough. Tull placed a hand on her cheek.

"Amelia, Esqueleto, I am in love with you."


Baby, It's Cold Outside.

A/N Well was that a little too Romantic? Sorry guys. But Yay no fighting even though both girls ended up in a hospital. And Amelia is in horrible shape, seeing that she can still barely move, as you may or may not be able to see from the fact that she can't lift her hand above her shoulder. Well, all's well that ends well, right?

-Kyoko OUT-

A Skeleton-born, an Enderborn, and a Desert ThiefWhere stories live. Discover now