Am I Forgiven?

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Duncan wondered if he was doing the right thing. He looked around where he was, in the base camp, and was trying to decide whether to leave a note or just stay there. A note would be suspicious, but staying there would make him look like he was looking for trouble, the complete opposite he was looking for. He would rather not get attacked on sight, but he felt like he deserved it. Duncan felt like he deserved all the abuse and punishment in the world or what he did to them, to her. He had killed Amelia for the nukes, so why did he say otherwise? To push the blame, perhaps? Or was it out of spite and a burning desire for revenge, to turn every person against Rythian. So in a way, he was still using her. But afterwards, he felt regret. Why did he feel regret? Because he actually wounded her, because he still loved her, because he realised that he did the worst things to her, the complete opposite of what you should be doing for a person you want back. And now he was at their base camp, wanting forgiveness. He ensured that he was unarmed, and realised then that he wanted one of Rythian's flying rings. But they couldn't exist in that world, could they. So he stood there, looking at Amelia's empty bed, remembering how peaceful she looked asleep. And then, a noise.

"What are you doing here, Duncan?" A voice came from above him. It wasn't hostile, it was merely a question. Duncan shrugged.

"I just wanted to get that retribution for my sins." He replied, and Tull jumped from the canopy.

"If you're looking for someone to beat you up, Rythian's the guy, not me."

"You did that the last time, remember?"

"You attacked Amelia that time, remember?"

"Does that mean you're not gonna fight me now? I mean I... I hurt her again. I shot her with my power arm. Tull, I'm looking for a way to atone for my sins but I don't know what to do." He said, and he was truly confused and afraid. Tull stared deep into those blue eyes and he could see, deep inside, a small boy, hugging his legs in fear, wishing for someone to save him. Tull looked at Duncan, standing before him, and with lightning reflexes, and delivered a swift blow to him in the gut. And it knocked the wind out of Duncan immediately, and he nearly coughed up blood. Damn Tull was strong.

"That's for hitting the girl in the stomach." He said, his tone nearly too calm. Duncan collasped, coughing and wheezing. Was that what she felt when he hit her? In a minute, the pain was gone, but he still felt weak, and it stung. Was that what Amelia felt? He noticed that his lab coat had gone cold, and apparently, Tull did too.

"Did I give you frostbite as well?" He asked, amazement and surprise tinting his voice as he saw the blue and white of frost lacing Duncan's coat. Duncan could not reply, so he shrugged in response. How would he know, they were in a desert. But it was cold. Oddly cold. Tull looked at his left arm, and a sort of relieved smile spread over his face.

"I might be regaining my Frost Magic again. All this while, staying faithful to the light... It's working..." He muttered, but Duncan had no idea what he was talking about. All he knew was that footsteps were approaching. And he knew who it was.

"What are you doing here, Duncan." Came an angry voice in sharp contrast to Tull's calm voice. Rythian took a fighting stance, his sword out, ready to strike. But it softened a little, when he noticed that Duncan was on the floor, clutching his stomach in pain.

"Tull, what did he do?"

"Nothing much. Except I panicked and punched him on sight." Tull explained casually, leaving out half of the important details. Duncan made to stand with great difficulty.

"Tull can pack a punch." He said, his legs like jelly.

"He's unarmed. I checked." Tull said, and Rythian relaxed, but his eyes were still gleaming with rage. He grabbed Duncan by the collar, his rage forming a black aura. The purple sparks had formed around Rythian, but Tull did nothing. Neither did Duncan. Then, another blow to the stomach, this time drawing blood. Duncan accepted it without much retaliation. Rythian smirked.

"How does that feel, eh?"

"Painful." Duncan replied, because it did. "Painful. Like how you feel now. But not quite as bad." He added, the apology never uttered properly. There was a sudden cold breeze, and Rythian looked around for the source. Tull had mysteriously vanished.


He sat at the lighthouse again, thinking. He did that a lot. He touched the pouch he carried around, and felt how cold and soothing it was. He smiled to himself. Could it be time to open it again? Tull wondered. Wondered, but did nothing. Did he dare to venture again, to do Frost Magic once again? The black magic that took it away, the unstable End Portal that he touched. Did he dare to touch that scepter in the pouch? Maybe. Maybe. Tull opened the pouch, and breathed in the cold air emanating from the scepter. Little snowflakes, and the blue frosty breeze it made. It was as though it had missed him, and longed for his touch. So he did. He took it out of the pouch, thankful that nothing bad happened. He decided to travel to a forest Biome, at least it would look less odd to have snow there. So he did, quiet as night, a thief in broad daylight.


Amelia found that she could sit up again the next day. From her hospital bed, beyond the blinds, she could see Zoey nibbling on her food. But Amelia wasn't hungry. Instead, she felt a thirst for knowledge. Why did Duncan visit her, why did he apologise. Was there some ulterior motive to what he did. But her heart knew the answer. He was sincere, and he missed her. Duncan was an awful liar, and Rythian believed people too quickly, especially when he was angry. She clasped her hands together in prayer, praying for Rythian that he wouldn't do anything stupid, for Duncan that he wouldn't try to rile Rythian up, for Tull that he wouldn't attack Duncan on sight.

"Please... Just make sure they're all okay..."


Rythian continued to hold Duncan in place, but to his surprise Duncan did not move an inch. If he was dead, he would've respawned already. If he was unconscious he would respawn in ten seconds. Had he fallen into the Void? But if he had he would've gotten glitchy. So the simple reason was there, that Duncan was not fighting back. He stayed still, and Rythian pushed him to the ground, to see a small speck of blood staining the corner of his lip and nose. Duncan lay there, without smiling, staring at the sky.

"Can I ask you one thing Rythian?"

"What is it?"

"Why haven't you killed me yet?"

"Well. I don't know."

"Can you kill me now?"

"Well why should I be merciful?"

"If that's mercy then I don't want it. I deserve something to undo - or at least to recieved the punishment that fit the crime. Lying, cheating, killing, stealing, betraying, causing serious injury. Is there one that fits my crimes?"

"..." Rythian had no good comeback to that. Rythian's purple eyes faded into a blue tinge as he calmed down. Duncan was telling the truth, he could see it now that he was calmer. Then Rythian offered him a hand.

"Get up now. There is one that fit your crimes." He said, as Duncan took it. He braced himself for a blow, or death. Except, it was neither. Rythian did nothing, except stare at Duncan.

"Lifelong guilt. You've punished yourself quite enough Duncan, giving yourself things to think about at night before you sleep, it's gonna haunt you even if you've been forgiven. It's about time this really stupid feud between us ended. We can settle Sjin another time, but from now on you shall never harm us, or anybody else, again." He said, patting his back in a friendly sort of way. Duncan felt almost too relieved to know it. So was he forgiven, he longed to ask. But it seemed that he already knew the answer. He smiled at Rythian.

"Yeah. Yeah... Thanks. Thanks man." He said, a little lost for words to say. Rythian smirked.

"But don't forget, this means I have acquired many years' worth of blackmail."


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