My Healer Part 3

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Later that night

Overnight, Poppy felt like herself again. But, she was still grey from Creep- I mean Creek's betrayal. Being grey for three days makes her understand how Branch feels. She still couldn't believe that he was there for her in her time of need while Creek wasn't. Poppy couldn't thank him enough for all that he's done for her. But, this feeling inside of her keeps growing. She has no other choice.

Poppy: I still can't believe he just left me out there. How could he do this to me?

Branch: It wasn't your fault, Poppy.

Poppy: It kinda was. I was blinded by him. I'm such an idiot.

Branch hates seeing her upset. All the blame is strictly on Creep- I mean Creek. Branch would do Poppy a favor by pounding him. But right now, there was one thing he could do. He sat next to her as she looked down at her grey hands. Branch placed his hand on her right cheek, making her face him. She looked at him with confusion, not knowing what he was doing as he leaned in closer.

Poppy: Branch....? !!

Poppy's eyes widen as Branch softly kisses her. She slowly melted into the kiss. There was a spark & some heat going through her body. Branch pulled away & looked into her eyes.

Branch: I've wanted to do that for so long.

Poppy: But, I thought you hated me.

Branch: I don't hate you. I just always thought I wasn't good enough for you.

Poppy: Branch....

Branch: To be completely honest, I always hated seeing Creek around you.

Poppy: But, Branch. I don't love Creek.

Branch: What?

Poppy: I'll admit, I did have a small crush on him when we were kids. But when every time I see you, my feelings grew.

Branch: So have mine.

Poppy: What?

Branch: I've loved you since day one.

Poppy: Me too.

They shared a passionate kiss dedicating their love for one another. Little did they know, is that Peppy was watching them with a smile on his face. The next thing he saw really surprised him. They broke the kiss & what Poppy saw really amazed her.

Poppy: Branch!

Branch: What? You didn't like the kiss?

Poppy: It's not that.

Branch: Then, what is it?

Poppy turned him around so he could look in the mirror. He was a blue troll with dark blue hair & a pink troll with pink hair next to him. Branch was flabbergasted.

Branch: No way....

Poppy: Your colors....Oh my god.....!

Branch: But, how?

King Peppy: *thinks: Only true love could revive someone's colors.*

Poppy: And, I thought that you were grey.

Branch: No. I just haven't been like this since I was young.

Poppy: What do you mean?

Branch: I lost my colors when my grandma died....

Poppy went quiet after she learned that Branch lost his color after his grandmother died. That was when she figured out that trolls could lose their colors due sadness & despair. She hugged him from behind, holding him tight.

Poppy: But, you got me.

Branch: Yea, you're right.

With that, Poppy started to yawn. Branch just smiled thinking that her yawn is cute.

Branch: Alright, princess. It's lights out for you.

Poppy: Kay....

Branch picked her up bridal style & carried her to bed, tucking her in. He got into bed with her, holding her tight in his arms.

Poppy: I don't know how dad would react if he sees us like this.

Branch: Don't worry, he's not going to.

King Peppy: *thinks: I wouldn't say that.*

Branch: I love you, Pops.

Poppy: I love you, too.

They share one last kiss before falling in each other's arms. King Peppy was happy for Poppy, she's with someone who truly cares about her. He shut the door quietly & walks to his bedroom calling it a night.

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