Goodnight Kiss Pt 2 of The Secret Locket

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Branch smiled to himself after the kiss. He thought her lips were sweet, like strawberries.


Poppy still couldn't sleep. The kiss kept her up. How much she loves the feeling of his lips. To her, his lips tasted like blueberries. Her head keeps telling her to go to sleep, but her heart keeps telling her to kiss him again. After debating it for a few minutes, she got up & walked to Branch. Looking directly at his face, she got close to his lips. But, a thought came to her head & backs away.

Poppy: *thinks: What am I doing? He's just going to get mad tomorrow.*

After having second thoughts, she stands up & walks to her sleeping bag.

Branch: How were they?

Poppy: !! Eh?

When she turned to him, he was on his side.

Branch: My lips, did you like them?

Poppy: !!!! (0///////0)

Poppy's head was spinning. He was partly awake when she kissed him! How did she not see that?! He keeps calling her name, but she wasn't listening due to her being lost in thoughts. She was suddenly pulled to the ground with Branch pinning her to his sleeping mat making her face go red.

Branch: Thought you could be slick, huh?

Poppy: N-no! I was just......

Branch: Just what?


Branch: Were you wanting another kiss?

Poppy: Umm.......mmph!!!

Branch presses his lips on to Poppy without her giving a response. It was like a thousand fireworks we going off in her head. She ends up kissing him back. Warmth and passion filled her body making her shiver a bit. Branch licks her lips asking for an entrance. Poppy opens her mouth & felt their tongues touch. Her moans couldn't be contained as she felt their tongues wrestle with each other. She felt her face heat up more & her heart beating more. Branch finally pulls back after two minutes. He can't help but adore the look on her face.

Branch: Cute.


Branch: What? Got nothing to say?

Poppy: *thinks: My mind's blank.......I can't even speak........*

Branch: Don't worry about it.

Branch picks her up bridal style and carries her to her sleeping bag and lays next to her.

Poppy: !!

Branch: We have a big day tomorrow. Let's go back to sleep.

Branch went to sleep with ease with Poppy in his arms. As for Poppy, her mind was still on what happened. She wasn't expecting any of this, but she felt safe with him. Her lips felt fiery and puffy. After sometimes, she fell asleep blushing.

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