Chapter 1

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Prior to coming to Earth, Clarke never really knew what Sienna Blake saw in her husband Bellamy. As far as she was concerned, Bellamy Blake was an asshole who didn't seem to care about anything or anyone besides his wife and his sister. Sienna Blake, however, despite being a "criminal", was intelligent, kind, understanding, and compassionate. Another feature of Sienna that Clarke couldn't deny was that she was absolutely beautiful. Sienna wasn't that tall, but between her pale, flawless skin, her wavy light brown hair, her slim figure, and her ice blue eyes, she could be a living Goddess. She knew that the two had been in a relationship for five years before getting married a year prior to Sienna being arrested for aiding in Octavia's existence being hidden. Now, however, things were different. Now, she saw what Sienna did. Beneath that hard exterior lay a man who was a true leader, who protected his people, who listened to them, and who would lay down his life in an instant to save people he cared about, especially Sienna and Octavia. Despite the animosity between them in the early days, Clarke had come to care for and respect Bellamy. Along with Sienna, Bellamy has now become one of her best friends. Throughout the time they have been here, and everything that they have been through in that time, it became almost impossible not to become family. Honestly, Clarke hoped that one day she would find someone who would look at her with the same love and devotion that Bellamy held for Sienna.

If he was honest with himself, Bellamy was actually surprised that a lot of them were still alive. Even though they had lost over half of their initial group, which saddened him greatly, Sienna, Octavia, and Clarke were all still alive. He had managed to complete his goal of keeping both his sister and his wife alive so far, which he was actually proud of. What surprised him even more was that Clarke had become one of his best friends. Despite the animosity between them in the early days, Bellamy had come to care for and respect Clarke. With the number of near-death experiences that they had all had, it was all a wonder that they were still alive. Bellamy knew that the effects on Mount Weather had had an effect on everyone, and not a positive one. Between the betrayal by Lexa and the Grounders to the genocide at Mount Weather, no one was the same. Bellamy was currently sitting in Medical holding Sienna's hand while she slept. She had been one of the ones that had been trapped, drilled and bled, but thankfully, he and Clarke had saved her before her she had been killed. Seeing her on that table, with that drill in her body was one of the most heartbreaking things Bellamy had ever witnessed and her screams of pain would haunt him forever. Thankfully though, she was now recovering.

Abby walked in to Medical to check on Sienna and some of the others who had been brought back from Mount Weather and were still recovering. As she walked into the room, she paused. What she saw made her heart glow in happiness. She watched as Bellamy looked down on Sienna as if she were the light of his life. By the look on his face, Abby knew that if something happened to either one of them, the other would never be the same. She knocked on the door and Bellamy looked up.
"Hi Abby." He greeted her.
"How is she?" Abby asked.
"Still sleeping." Bellamy replied, still not letting go of Sienna's hand.
"You should too you know." Abby suggested.
"No. I won't leave Sienna until she wakes up." Bellamy said, looking back at Sienna.
"What if they need you for a mission?" Abby asked. She already knew the answer though.
"They can find someone else." Bellamy said seriously, his eyes never straying from Sienna.
"I just came in to check up on her." Abby told him. Bellamy nodded, giving her the space she needed whilst still holding Sienna's hand in his.

Octavia was sitting in her room. She knew she should go and see Sienna, but she couldn't bring herself to see her brother and her sister-in-law in so much pain. She knew Bellamy would still be in Medical; she knew he wouldn't leave her side until he knew with absolute certainty that she was ok. So far as Octavia knew, Sienna was still unconscious. She told herself that no matter how much it hurt her to see the two of them like this, she just had to suck it up and go see them. She got up, exiting her room, walking towards Medical. The sight she was faced with when she entered the room though made her smile. Bellamy was sitting in a chair, but his head resting on Sienna's bed, his head close to her shoulder. He was using his forearm as a pillow and he was sound asleep. Octavia couldn't remember the last time he had slept like this, but she assumed it hadn't been for a while. What warmed her heart even more is that Bellamy and Sienna's hands were connected. She also suspected that had been the case ever since they had returned from Mount Weather. She debated on whether to sit down next to them or just leave them to sleep. She chose the latter and very quietly closed the door to give them some peace.

Clarke was talking to Monty when she noticed Octavia walking up to her, a smile on her face.
"Octavia?" She asked curiously. Monty turned to face said person as well. Octavia hardly ever smiled anymore, unless it was with Lincoln, Bellamy, or Sienna. However, right now, she had a bright smile on her face.
"I just went to Medical and saw the most adorable sight." Octavia told them said. "Bellamy is sleeping soundly, his head on Sienna's bed, holding her hand. Sienna's still unconscious, but she's stable and recovering." She elaborated. Both Monty and Clarke smiled. They both knew that it had been a while since Bellamy had actually slept, and by that Clarke meant more than just relying on power naps. Clarke was glad Sienna is recovering. Bellamy's face seeing her tortured on that screen was absolutely horrible. She had never seen someone in so much pain. However, she knew that she would be the same were it someone that she loved.
"I am so glad that he is finally getting some sleep and that Sienna is recovering." Clarke said, a smile on her face.

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