Chapter 6

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*Hours later*

Bellamy woke up again, this time feeling better than he had in weeks. Sienna was still asleep beside him, cuddled up next to him with her hand on his bare chest. He smiled down at her peaceful, beautiful, sleeping face. The frown lines that stained her face on a daily basis were finally gone. He decided he should probably get up, even though he was perfectly comfortable in this position, however, the way they were positioned, she would wake up as soon as he moved. Even though he didn't want that, he knew that both of them had to get up at some point so why not now? Bellamy reached across and lightly shook Sienna's shoulder.
"Sienna? Sweetheart? Time to get up." He said softly. Sienna stirred, opening her eyes and looking up at him.
"How did you sleep?" She asked, her morning voice clear as day.
"Better than I have in weeks." He replied, smiling down at her. She returned his smile but didn't say anything else.


Bellamy walked over to Sienna in order to say goodbye to her before he left on the mission he was assigned to. He did this every time he left the camp, no matter what it was. He didn't want her to worry about him as much as he worried about her when either of them were out in the field. He was actually secretly glad that she couldn't go out in the field for a while. After all she had been through, she both needed and deserved a break.

As Sienna watched her husband leave the camp yet again, she couldn't help but worry about him, especially after yesterday and him coming back covered in cuts, bruises, and blood. In the back of her mind, there was always a worry that he wouldn't come home. She just prayed each day that he would. As she busied herself, doing anything around the camp that she was physically capable of doing, she didn't notice her sister-in-law walk up to her.
"Hi Sienna." Octavia greeted her. Sienna spun around to face her. Octavia had changed so much since they had landed on Earth, which wasn't all bad, but sometimes Sienna was worried that, one day, she would be completely unrecognizable to anyone except Sienna and Bellamy.
"What's up O?" Sienna asked, happy to see her.
"Can I rant?" Octavia asked. She knew that Sienna would say yes. They always went to each other when they needed to rant, gossip, or get something off their chests that they couldn't tell Bellamy. Despite how much Octavia had changed, Sienna was happy that their relationship hadn't.
"Always. You know that." Sienna replied, frowning at her question.
"Come on, let's go somewhere private." Octavia said, taking her sister-in-law's hand and leading her towards her bedroom.

Once the two of them entered the room, Octavia closed the door and locked it. Sienna was getting increasingly worried about her.
"So, what's wrong?" Sienna asked as the two of them sat down on Octavia's bed.
"I'm not allowed to leave the camp to go and see Lincoln." Octavia told Sienna. Sienna was taken aback at this.
"What? That's stupid!" Sienna exclaimed.
"Yeah. Apparently, unless someone is out on a mission, they are not permitted to leave the camp without prior permission." Octavia told her.
"Why?" Sienna asked, both not knowing about this and confused by it.
"I don't know why, but it sucks. Bellamy told me about it." Octavia said.
"How long has he known?" Sienna asked her, wondering why he hadn't told her or Octavia sooner.
"I'm not sure, but by the look on his face it didn't seem like he had known for long. You can ask him when he gets back." Octavia suggested.

*A few hours later*

Sienna was watering some of the vegetables that they had managed to grow at camp when she heard footsteps behind her. She didn't bother to turn around since she assumed it was one of the other gardeners. However, arms wrapped around her waist and she almost dropped her watering can in surprise.
"How was your day?" A voice she knew all too well asked. Sienna smiled as she felt Bellamy kiss her neck.
"Hello to you too." She replied teasingly, putting the watering can down so that none of the water spilled out. She then spun around, his arms still around her waist, and wrapped hers around his neck before pulling him into a passionate kiss. Once they pulled away, both of them smiled. "Octavia came to talk to me." Sienna began.
"Let me guess. She told you about her not being able to leave to go and see Lincoln?" Bellamy asked, already knowing what his sister would have talked to his wife about.
"That is correct." Sienna replied.
"I would love to let her go and see Lincoln, honestly I would, but as of yesterday, unless someone is out on a mission, they are not permitted to leave the camp without prior permission." Bellamy told her. Sienna sighed at this. She knew that she wouldn't be able to do anything about it in her current state, but she did wish that it wouldn't be too long until the ban was lifted. "Hey. You alright?" Bellamy asked.
"Yeah, I'll be fine." She replied almost automatically.
"Have you had any more dizzy spells?" He asked seriously.
"No. I haven't." She replied honestly, and it was true. The dizzy spells had gone away for now and she was getting better much more quickly, which she was very happy about.
"You sure?" Bellamy asked, wanting to make sure that his wife was alright.
"Positive." She replied, pecking him on the lips, pulling back only slightly.
"I love you so much." He told her as he had many times before.
"I love you more." She replied. He smiled.
"I love you most." He finished, kissing her forehead gently before embracing her in a hug.

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