Chapter 5

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*A week and a half later*

Sienna was so happy that she was finally able to get up and move around. Granted, she sometimes had weak or dizzy spells, but those passed as soon as they came. She hadn't told anyone about them, not even Bellamy. This wasn't because she didn't want to tell him, it was because she didn't want him to worry even more than he already did. She knew that she was nowhere near ready to go back out in the field or even train just yet, so she spent her time helping out wherever she could. Everyone, including and especially those who were trapped in Mount Weather, were amazed at how quickly she was recovering. No one knew about her dizzy spells though, not even Bellamy or Abby. Aside from Bellamy, the four other people she spent most time with were Monty, Raven, Octavia, and Clarke.

Sienna was tidying up in Medical when she heard the door open. She turned around to see who it was, gasping when she saw her husband, a sad look on his face. There was blood and cuts all over his face, and his clothes were stained with the red, sticky substance.
"Not all of it is mine." He said, answering the question he knew she would ask.
"Come on, let's get you cleaned up." She said, ushering into the room and sitting him down on what used to be her bed. She got him to sit down whilst she walked over to the other side of the room to grab a fresh hand-towel and a bucket of warm water. She got him to take his jacket and shirt off so that she could make sure that he had no other major injuries. She knew that he played down his injuries a lot, even major ones, so she always checked anyway. Once she got over to him, she put the bucket down beside the bed. She then dipped the hand-towel into the water, wringing out the excess before gently starting to wipe both the dried and fresh blood off his face.
"What happened?" She asked almost absentmindedly, not halting her actions.
"Ran into some grounders on the way back and got into a fight. It was an ambush." He explained. She stopped and looked at him.
"Wait. They knew you were coming?" She asked. He could hear the surprise in her voice. He didn't reply to her question, only nodding to answer. "How many did we lose?" She asked, placing the hand-towel to the side and her hand on his arm.
"Three." He said softly. She knew the team he went out with was only five, so they lost over half their team members in one mission.
"I'm sorry Bell." She said, kissing his forehead in a comforting gesture.
"Nothing we can do about it now." He said in a low tone, but she could hear the sadness lacing it.
"Come on, let's get you cleaned up." She said, continuing with her actions.
A few minutes later, she paused, dizziness suddenly radiating through her body. She grabbed onto something, which ended up actually being Bellamy, to stop from falling over. Less than three seconds later, it was gone, but not before Bellamy saw the entire thing. Once Bellamy could tell that she was back to normal, he decided to speak up.
"How long has this been happening?" He asked. He knew that if he asked her if she was OK, she would reply with 'I'm fine', which she obviously wasn't.
"It doesn't matter." Sienna replied quickly, not really wanting to go into it. If she told him it had been happening ever since she woke up, he would feel awful that he hadn't noticed, but it was at the stage now, where not telling him wasn't an option. He grabbed her arm and made her look at him.
"Yes Sienna, it does matter. Now how long?" He asked firmly.
"Off and on since I woke up." She admitted, her voice soft. She was both embarrassed and sad that she hadn't told him sooner, but she didn't want to be seen as weak by anyone.
"Have you told anyone?" He asked. He hadn't commented on her not telling him yet, but she knew he would soon.
"No." She whispered, not looking at him.
"Sienna, you're never going to fully recover unless you tell us these things. Even if the only person you tell is Abby, you have to tell someone. I love you so much and I can't lose you. It kills me to I see you in pain." Bellamy said, his tone kind but worried.
"Are you mad I didn't tell you?" Sienna asked quietly, looking at him with sad eyes.
"I'm not mad sweetheart. I'm a little upset, but I'm not mad." He said, reaching up to caress her cheek. They smiled at each other momentarily before he sighed. "Come on, it's almost dark, we should both get some rest." He suggested. Sienna smiled and nodded at his suggestion. With that, Bellamy picked up his clothes and lead Sienna back to their shared room so they could sleep.


Clarke was looking for Bellamy because she needed to talk to him about something. She knew he would most likely be with Sienna so she knew if she could find Sienna, she would be able to find Bellamy. She went to their shared room and knocked on the door. When she received no reply, she opened the door slightly. She peaked in to see the two of them asleep on their shared bed. She smiled, knowing that she didn't want to disturb either of them. Knowing Bellamy, he probably hadn't slept much since Mount Weather, and she knew that he needed as much sleep as he could possibly get. She closed the door quietly and walked back down the hallway. She could talk to him later.

Bellamy heard the door to his and Sienna's room open, disturbing his much welcomed sleep. He decided that he would pretend to be asleep in hopes that the person would leave. He had Sienna back in his arms and he hadn't slept properly for what seemed like weeks now, and, unless it was something really urgent, he didn't want to know about it just yet. He heard the click of the door closing and that was when he truly relaxed, hugging his wife ever closer, falling back to sleep, Sienna wrapped tightly in his arms.

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