4: Frost Weaver

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hello again! 

XD how's life? GOOD? HAPPY?

i'm so glad you're still here!

as promised, i will try VERY hard to make this chapter longer than one page... one wattpad page, at least. ENJOY!!!

Chapter 4

My eyes opened to a clear blue sky, with birds chirping. Picturesque. Stretching, i paused as a voice said, "So Sleeping Beauty finally awakes." There was sarcasm dripping from every word.

I suddenly remembered the events that happened, and closed my eyes. Please let Iriyce be a dream! i begged. Opening them again, i saw his standing over me, smirking. I closed my eyes and sighed, siting up. "So i didn't die after all, huh?"

"Right. For once. Of course you didn't die, stupid."

"I fell from a height helicopters shouldn't even be in. how is it stupid to think that you would die from falling a great distance?"

He gave an overly dramatic exasperated sigh. He pointed to himself, and then me, and said, "Frost Weaver. And anyway, i caught you when you fell."

He looked so open and sincere. "Aw, thank you!" i said

His smirk came back. "I was lying. You're so gullible."

I scowled. "Jerk."

"Sylvia... actually, i did kinda catch you. i swear. i couldn't just leave you to fall, could i?" His eyes fluttered innocently at me. The effect was ruined when he coughed and it sounded weirdly like gullible!

Turning my head, i ignored him. We were sitting on my lawn, on my property. "Why are you on my property?" i questioned.

"You invited me here. And, i saved your life... because i caught you when you fell."

I gave him a cold glare. "i don't remember inviting you... and you were also the cause of why i fell anyways. i don't think you saved it. If you want thanks, go somewhere else to get it."

Putting a hand over his heart dramatically, Iriyce said "Ouch. You wound me, well, since i don't have an invitation, i guess i'll just get one."

He bent down to my height, since i was sitting on the floor, and gazed into my eyes. I stopped breathing as i stared into ice blue eyes. They gleamed with intelligence, and had some guarded feel about them. With light flecks of silver, i could have been staring at ice in the summer sun. Icy and warm at the same time. "Sylvia?" He asked, in a seductive voice.

"W-what?" i asked. I couldn't really focus on anything save him, and i shook my head to try to clear it. He grabbed it and kept it still, forcing me to stare into his eyes. "may i stay on your land? i ask for your permission to trespass for a short moment's notice." His gaze was so intense, i felt as if my sole being were focused on those eyes. "Sure." I breathed.

He broke off eye contact. His smirk reappeared and all traces of seriousness vanished in a flash. "See? i knew i could get one. There was no way you could refuse me."

Blinking and shaking my head, i said, "i think you just fried my brain."

"Yes, i do have that effect on people. Especially girls. Like you."


Suddenly, he grew tense, and his idle joking mood vanished. "Let's go. Move, Slylvia."


"Just move." With that, he dragged me behind him as he dashed towards the woods behind my house. I didn't run so much as he was carrying me. It was like i weighed nothing at all! "I can run, you know." i told him.

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