7: Frost Weaver

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okey dokey hello my lovlies!!! if you're reading this....

especially 2 cows out there... if you know who you are ;)

chapter 7 here!!!

flame weaver soon

Chapter 7

I woke up to the sound of arguing, and a sweet, sweet scent.

"Why are you here?"

"Because you weren't."

"That doesn't mean you should've come!"

"Well, i'm here anyways, so deal with it."

It was like listening to to children fight.

I blinked open my eyes and found myself propped against the side of the school building, with Iriyce's car in sight.

"Just go away! No one wants you here, anyways."

"Ouch, you sure know how to deflate someone's ego."

"Your ego needs serious deflation!"

I turned my head towards the sounds of arguing, and saw Iriyce and the flame man from before. Going on what Lady Etienne had called him, he was a flame weaver. Did that mean he was like Iriyce but with fire instead?

My eyes zeroed in on something on Iriyce's arm. One of his arms was drenched in something red, sticky, and sweet. Blood.

I don't know if i was still weak from blood loss, but at that moment when i saw the red substance coating his arm, all dizziness disappeared from my head as my mind became clouded with red.

I want to drink.

I jumped to my feet and inhaled a delicious aroma. The smell hit me, sweet, good, with a slight icy flavor. Like spice or seasoning. delicious. The smell went down to a spot in the back of my throat that had activated before when that person had gotten the paper-cut, but this was stronger. This blood smelled finer. And there was more of it. For me.

The roaring thirst crawled free from my throat and spread through my entire body. I was dry, burning, and the only thing that could extinguish the fire within me was the sweet red fluid that i could smell all over his arm. The scent swirled around my head, whispering tales of need and longing. My teeth turned achingly sensitive and i felt then elongating, softly reaching my bottom lip. Every part of me was awake, and all my previous exhaustion disappeared replaced by a singing energy to feed.

A snarl ripped free of my throat, and the two men turned around to look at me. Faster than i could think, i had leaped and was on my way to Iriyce's arm before he jumped out of the way. His lips moved, mouthing something but i couldn't hear anything through the roaring of a monster inside me telling me to only drink and nothing else.

I wanted nothing more than to sink my teeth in Iriyce's throat and drink, taste that clear icy blood. It smelled good, it must taste like heaven.

Without another thought, once i landed i sprung at Iriyce once more. My body moved so fluidly and gracefully i might have thought if it was really me moving, but in my current state i didn't think that. Iriyce moved so fast he blurred to avoid my attack. But i was so crazed by the blood i immediately jumped again, almost in midair, it seemed. My teeth connected with his arm sloppily for the quickest moment before he wretched it away. 

It was too late. I licked my sharp canines, which had some of his blood on it. The taste sang on my taste-buds, better than anything i had ever tried. I want more. The hunger crested, and i jumped at him again when arms suddenly wrapped around me, restraining me. I had half jumped, and now me and my adversary both crashed to the floor. I didn't pay any attention to that and turned and threw him off in a rage. The flame weave flew off but righted himself in midair, a ball of flame appearing in his hand. Without thinking, i flung my hand out and three sharp ice daggers came out, flying at the flame weaver. The flame weaver threw his fire ball at the oncoming ice daggers. They hit and it exploded, leaving smoke.

I didn't look behind me but i felt something there. Whipping around, i saw Iriyce standing there with his hands up, the universal "don't shoot" gesture. But there was a sweet substance inside him, and i couldn't let that go. 

I launched myself at him, almost tasting the sweetness of his blood. But something jerked me back. Glancing behind me, ice had started up my foot continuing onto my leg. It crept up, successfully freezing me in place.

Snarling, i glared at Iriyce. Only he could have done this. The ice started to get cold, and a tingling bit through my blood craze. Iriyce came closer and was mouthing something, staring at me intently with those ice blue eyes. They glowed bright icy blue as they stared me down. I stared at them as if in a trance, forgetting about the hunger. His lips were still moving, and i finally discerned that he was calling my name.

"Sylvia... Sylvia..." It sounded like wind whispering. Concentrating on the noise, i willed myself to focus on it until it became a word out of a living creature. The thirst rose one last time, roaring, trying to gain dominance but i pushed it down. The sharp cold of the ice covering half of me also helped. "Sylvia!" Iriyce said sharply. 

The fight went out of me. I felt as if i had been put out like a light. Collapsing against the ice covering half of my body, i shivered, hugging myself. The ice melted, leaving me standing miserably in a cold wet puddle. 

That was the blood hunger. Or thirst. I never wanted to feel it again. I felt like i couldn't even control myself. I might've killed someone.

I collapsed into Iriyce's arms, and he hugged me tight. "Are you ok?" he asked. 

"C-cold." I whispered. "Tired."

Glancing at the flame weaver, Iriyce told him, "Ayden! Make yourself useful for once and warm her up."

"Sure... but no need to sound so accusing, remember, i was the one who rescued her when you weren't there."

"I was busy fighting other things!"

"You still weren't there."

The flame weaver -Ayden- came over to me and tapped my forehead. A warmth spread through me rapidly, warming me from head to toe. It chased the cold away, and the thirst vanished like a baby dragon put to sleep in the warmth. I felt drowsy again. "Iri!" he called, "How about cleaning or washing your arm? Before she goes into another frenzy. But if i were her, i wouldn't think you taste good."

"I never said you could call me Iri!"

"Would you rather me call you 'Ice?' huh?"

Without responding, Iriyce flung a hand out at him and a flurry of hail swept towards him. Which also meant it went towards me, seeing as i was next to him. Without a pause, Ayden lazily flicked a hand back towards Iriyce and a jet of flame swept through them, heading for Iriyce. Iriyce neatly sidestepped and disappeared into the forest.

"Do you two have history?" i asked him without thinking.

"What?" Ayden mocked shock. "Him? He's way too prickly for me. And, i'm not gay."

My cheeks warmed up. "Not that way!"

Laughing, Ayden scooped me up and walked to the car. Plopping me in the backseat, he climbed in shot gun. Turning back to me, he said, "We have a history. Longer than America's." Twisting back to face the front, he said, "So, what do you want to do while waiting  for little Iri to come back? Patty cake?"

"I'm just going to take a nap." i muttered. Ayden pulled something from the glovebox and handed it to me. A blanket. "To keep the nightmares away." He said seriously.

Whatever. i yawned. Tiredness swept through me like a wave, and i blinked out.

kayyyy my lovelies

this is the end of frost weaver!!! flame weaver comes next, from little Ayden's P.O.V

i still have the story mapped out in my head, but it might change P.O.V's a lot.

ok??? ok. see you later!!! and thanks for staying here. XD

i have the prologue of flame weaver ready but i won't publish it until later

goodbye for now!

ps. i might edit and revise this later... depending on some things

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