3: Frost Weaver

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hi dearies!!! lovlies!!! 

this is chapter 3!!! hope you like it! was chapter 2 good? kinda good?

helpful comment please!!! thanks, and remember to comment!

Chapter 3

He streaked towards me, with his wings held high behind him, barely moving. his feet barely skimmed the ground, and i didn't have time to scream or jump out of the way as he came closer. My eyes widened as he careened into me, and i was slammed into the wall behind me.

Stars blurred my vision, and he said almost apologetically, "i'm sorry if it hurts right now, but i need you to realize you're power. it'll be all fine later. Attack me."

I tried to punch him, but i only punched a block of ice that appeared out of nowhere. "No, you have to attack me... with frost." he whispered as he dissapeared again. I was left standing in the cave, shivering. It could have been an ice cave on a mountain, no, it was icier. 

There was no way out of my hole. My cave. desperation flew through me, if i didn't die before, i would surely die from starvation or dehydration. Just as that thought passed through my head, something rammed into me, driving my breath out.

My breath came out with a whoosh as my eyes widened, and Iriyce carried me up towards the ceiling. I almost screamed when we crashed through the layers of dirt but held it in. He folded his wings when we shot through the dirt like a rocket, and spread the out and flapped, bringing us higher into the air. The speed at which we were going at brought tears to my eyes, and the usually warm air of the summer time was as cold as the longest night during winter. It was still summer, where did this cold air come from?

The sky was dark, and he paused at a height when i could no longer distinguish all the details of my backyard. I could see the major garden we had, but i couldn't see the individual little flowers in it. But i knew my eyesight had somehow improved, because at the same time i could clearly make out a bird flying in the distance. We must be really high up.

Now in midair, with his wings beating slowly, majestic as if they belonged to a faerytale creature, he hefted me in one hand. Oh no, he couldn't throw me! We were high up!

"Don't let go of me!" i gasped, clutching his shirt.

"But then how would you ever learn? If you go splat, so be it." He said lazily. He relinquished his hold on me, and jerked up. My hold on his shirt broke, and i plummeted down. He held out a hand to me, and for a wild moment i thought he was going to save me. But after a few moments, ice began to creep up my legs, spreading rapidly all over my body. This ice was freezing, and in a matter of moments everything except my head was completely encased in ice. 

It was so cold it burned, And he watched me from above with expressionless eyes. Could he really kill me that way? I tried to move, but the ice held fast. I remembered that he said i had to do something with frost, and tried to imagine the ice defrosting and melting, or breaking. I felt ridiculous, and when i opened my eyes, the ice was still there, hard and solid. Tears sprung to my eyes, but i held them back. Despair rose inside of me, and i wondered if dying would hurt. Despite my actions, ne tear leaked free and trickled down my cheek.

When the tear dripped onto the ice encasing me in an icy coffin, it shattered, breaking. It didn't break neatly, shards of ice blew around me, some cutting into my skin.... drawing blood. I barely recognized the burning, ice cold pain as a strange calm settled in me. I fell downwards still, but it was almost weird to me how calm i felt. I tried to summon some panic, but it wouldn't come.

Why am i not feeling anything? i'm about to die, and yet i feel nothing... i wondered. When i looked up, i could see Iriyce way up above, staring at me solemnly, majestic wings beating to the rhythm of my heart.

"I'm not an angel." No, you're the devil. It was as if he were right next to me. As if his wings were brushing my face. Angel wings.

The ground rushed up to me, and right before i hit the green, manicured lawns of my home, i closed my eyes.

i know that it is short right now, and i guess this is very very short. but too sad....

i need to do something else right now! 

i'm sorry if this is bad spelling/grammar/capitalization i just hate that

and i hate proofreading. 

but thanks for reading! and wait for more!

i will make the next chapter longer!!! 

XD stay happy!!!

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