3. Smarter

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Shay walked into the charms class, a young Professor Flitwick sat behind his desk, a few other students scattered on various seats.

One that she noticed already in was James Potter and Lily Evans whom had just started dating. Shay had nothing against Lily but she still didn't like the fact of James being so open about his feelings when girls like Lace, who had crushes on him, could get their heart broken.

The one thing that usually assured them that Lace was okay was that maybe someday James would realise that Lily will only keep saying no and give up and find another girl. But now that is completely out of the question.

Shay couldn't help but worry about her younger friend. Sure she put up a good act but at the end of the day, she still liked him.

Lace walked in a few minutes after and Shay tried to distract her but it was no use.

Lace's eyes were set on James and Lily from the minute she stepped foot in the classroom, a sorrow look on her face. She didn't know how she was expected to feel but she knew not to look so depressed as she quickly covered up the sorrow look with an expressionless expression, yet Shay nor Lily didn't fail to notice it.

Lily always looked at the trio as they walked by in the halls. She would always think that had they been in Gryffindor then they all would have been great friends. She now knew that was impossible. She felt bad for Lace as she wiped the sorrow expression off her face and kept an emotionless one instead. The houses never did accept each other very well, which is why Fae and the other two's relationship was surprising to every student of Hogwarts. Even Lily had to say she was surprised, her relationship with Severus hadn't even lasted this long.

Everyone knew a lot of girls like James; it was one of the things Lily had to take into consideration. That and having to give up her dignity and admit she likes James. But now, seeing Lace with the dull expression on her face, Lily couldn't help but feel bad. If this was her now, how would she act when she alone?

She unconsciously moved a few inches away from James as Lace slipped past. She watched as Lace walked over and very un-ladylike, plopped herself down in the seat next to Shay. Lace caught her staring and Lily quickly looked back as a death glare was sent her way.

Lace didn't like being mean but some people needed to mind their own business. She didn't want any sympathy, she didn't need it. She was perfectly fine the way she was. Though most would say she was depressed, she was perfectly normal. She ate, slept and worked. That's normal enough, right?

Shay looked to the door as she saw three more figures walk in. Well, four actually. Remus Lupin. Sirius Black. Peter Pettigrew. Then there was some black haired girl clinging to Sirius, who just looked down at her with a flirty smile. Sirius may be a player but the girls of Hogwarts are no idiots. They do not stick around when the guy is obviously showing no interest in them. The fact this many girls had fallen for Sirius Black (or let themselves fall) is a surprise in itself.

Shay glared at Remus, who to her surprise smiled and walked in her direction. She raised her eyebrows at him as he pulled out the wooden seat next to her and plopped himself down next to her. He just shook his head and smiled at her again before turning to face Sirius and the black haired girl, who had both sat beside him.

Remus looked at James and Lily's questioning look and shook his head before mouthing 'bet' to which Lily rolled her eyes and James shook his head in disapproval. It was easy enough to say they were not proud of what Sirius had bet him. Though James also hated the trio, he always knew it was wrong to break a girls heart.  Little did he know he was on the verge of doing so.

Lily couldn't believe, Remus Lupin, the boy who she thought to be the kindest of the marauders, was going to try and break Shay Quinn's heart. She had been ashamed of him and had been giving the silent treatment to him for ages. Though the fact that one of the sweetest boys she knew could be capable of doing such a thing, what was James doing with her? Did he really like her as he always said he did? Or was it all a bet, just like Remus and Shay. Either way, she knew she wasn't going anywhere near Shay. She would feel that she was betraying her trust.

Remus knew he had little time. School was already a month in and it took a long time for someone to fall in love. He needed to get on Shay's good side and fast. But with the glares she sent his way, he had to keep himself from glaring back.Why did this girl have to be so stubborn?

"Why are you sitting here, Black?" Lace sneered to her enemy. Black just rolled his eyes, not flinching a bit. This girl could hold some grudge, that was for sure. He was pretty sure her hate for him had something to do with- Fern? Freya? Fae! That was it. Fae. Well, he was pretty sure that it had something to do with Fae's crush on him. It was very obvious and it wouldn't be Sirius to ignore it. He wished he could get to her but Lace and Shay always kept him away.

"Am I not allowed to sit near you, Cantrell?" he asked. Now he had to admit, both Lace and... Fae? Yeah, Fae. That both Lace and Fae were quite pretty. Who was he kidding? They were both hot. So was Shay but it was one of the rules he always kept. Never steal another man's bet. "Last time I checked I was allowed to sit wherever I wanted."

"Not if it's anywhere near me," she said before huffing and sitting back in her seat. Shay rolled her eyes and began to ignore Remus whom had been trying to start a conversation with her. Professor Flitwick came to the front of the classroom and she began to ignore him as she listened.

"Now, can anyone here do a patronus charm?" Flitwick asked. Lace's hand shot up in the air but Shay kept hers down. She had never been taught how to do a patronus and she had never been good at charms either. In fact, she wasn't very good at many subjects. The only reason she did so many was because she was training to be a professor here at Hogwarts and as a Professor you had to be capable of doing most subjects that Hogwarts taught.

Remus didn't fail to notice by the end of class Shay hadn't raised her hand once. He passed it off that maybe she just didn't want to answer any of the questions. Typical Shay, he thought. Too cool for learning.

As she began to put her book and quills back in her bag, Professor Flitwick called her up to his desk. She gulped, knowing the reason. She had been expecting this to happen last year but it hadn't.

"Miss  Quinn, I have noticed your score has been dropping. I will admit I was surprised last year to find you were in this class. Now I know your very smart, Shay. As a Ravenclaw, you have to be. You just need to understand it. Maybe get a tutor?" He suggested. Shay nodded and began to walk out of the class room.

"Heard you needed a tutor, Quinn," Remus' voice seems to come from nowhere. She jumped in surprise and shot her head in his direction. Remus chuckled and Shay glared at him. He gave her a tight smile, like he was restraining himself from something. She cocked an eyebrow at him.

 "Yes I do but whether I need one or not, it is none of your business," She told him firmly. He shook his head and placed an arm on Shay's. Her eyebrow shot up once again. 'Just do what Sirius told you to' he chanted in his head, over and over again.

"I can tutor you, Quinn."

"Why would I want you to tutor me when I can get Fae or Lace to?"

"Admit it, Quinn. This is embarrassing for you. You don't really want them to know. If you let me tutor you, you don't have to," Remus persuaded. He had a look of hope in his eyes. He really wanted to get this bet over with and the faster he made her fall in love with him, the faster it could finish.

Shay looked around the now empty halls. "Meet me in the astronomy tower at 11 o'clock tonight. Tell anyone and you're dead, Lupin."


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