12. Stronger

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It was the day that everyone was leaving for Christmas. No one was staying except for a few who would much rather stay in the warmth of Hogwarts than go home to their parents or guardians or whoever was looking after them who would just give out all day. But nonetheless, these few people were happy enough to stay because it meant they could stay at Hogwarts even longer which was a joy in itself.

Of course Shay was leaving but she wasn't going back to the orphanage, she was going to stay with Fae and her family and Lace had promised to floo in on Christmas night so that they could exchange presents on Christmas day instead of just carrying home presents with the temptation to open them before Christmas.

Deirdre had already given Shay her present which Shay of course appreciated but she still wasn't happy with the fact she wouldn't be spending Christmas with her sister even though she should have been well used to it at this stage. It was not usually natural for children that are adopted to see their siblings again but it really all depended on who adopted the child.

Some parents might have not wanted Deirdre to get too attached to her sister again and made sure she stayed well away from her where others, like Deirdre's, were more relaxed with their daughter meeting her blood sister because it would be pure cruelty to take two sisters away from each other. Where others think it would be cruelty to keep two sisters together.

But Deirdre had said goodbye to Shay a few hours before and then left to talk to her friends for the next few hours before everyone left. The train wasn't arriving for another hour and three minutes to be exact but Shay, Fae and Lace were making the most of the little carefree time they had left before they split up for the winter break again, well, Fae and Shay woulnd't split up obviously.

Sirius was spending the last hour with them due to the fact "Lily and James were snogging and it was bloody disgusting!" in Sirius' own words. Peter was taking Remus' side in this whole thing which was not going down well with Sirius and James so the marauders had pretty much split into two different groups at this stage.

They were messing around by one of Hogwarts' many staircases, hitting each other and then avoiding the person they hit until they finally hit them back again, when the 'group' approached them. The 'group' was Remus, Peter and a bunch of Slytherins whom used to hate Remus and vice versa. But the 'group' was now known as the new marauders. Much more evil yes, but the new marauders.

"Well, well, well, look who it is," Remus said cockily, something he must have had to of learned from Lucius Malfoy. Even his stance was like Malfoy's, upright and looking downright pompous. He looked to the four of them and nodded his head in their direction as he said there names. "Black, Cantrell, Power, Quinn."

Shay chose to ignore the way he said her name with a tad more venom. He had been like this ever since she had stood up for herself but she didn't regret what she did one bit, no matter what the girl's at Hogwarts had now began to say about her. She didn't care about how many times the girls would call her a slut, saying that she was just angry at Remus because she couldn't have him.

Oh, but if only they knew what Remus was really like, they would be in for one nasty surprise, Shay thought to herself, smirking a bit at the end. She liked to think she wasn't as dramatic as those girls would be had they been in the same situation. Not that she would ever wish anyone to be put in that situation, even if others wished to put her in it again.

"Lupin, what are you doing here?" Shay asked, folding her arms over her chest, trying to intimidate the guy who was almost a whole foot taller than her. She really didn't think it would work but it was almost like since she had stood up for herself, it had had an effect on how Remus thought of her. Maybe his standards for how powerful she was or maybe they were just average because he had always thought her weak.

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