11. Better

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It was nice to be able to laugh with her friends again like she normally would. It was also nice to know that Sirius was now hanging around with them as well. Shay likes to think he realized what he was really like when he saw Remus slowly transform into him. And she's certain he didn't like the result in the end up.

That was the thing about people like Sirius. They didn't think everything through. They didn't plan ahead. They didn't look to the future but something good about them was that they didn't look to the past either. When Sirius was actually being, well, Sirius he was a lot more respectable and funny. Before he just seemed sexist and mean.

But as Shay walked towards the Ravenclaw common rooms, she couldn't help but wander what was up with Landon these days. Did he make new friends or did he still talk to Lace and Fae. She wasn't sure whether Lace and Fae would have told her if they still were talking, she had lost any chance of being friends with Landon ages ago and she knew it.

Just as she reached the corner she had to turn at to get to the eagle, she heard whispers.

"Shut the bloody hell up, we'll get caught if your shoes keep making so much noise!" One voice whispered, a girl's voice.  She was whispering rapidly, obviously not wanting to get caught by anyone. It was almost too obvious what they were doing and Shay really didn't want to be the one to walk around that corner and interrupt them. It would just be... embarrassing.

"Well, if you want, I can take them off... along with my trousers," a male voice said slyly and Shay held back from throwing up. She couldn't identify the two voices but no one wanted to hear that from anyone. She found it as disgusting as when Sirius told her a very detailed story about Flitwick and McGonagall which she had to convince herself was not real for her own state of mind.i

"Eww. You only asked me to meet you here, Remus. You never said anything more than snogging," the girl squealed and Shay took in a deep breathe. Remus? She heard the clacking of the girls shoes as she walked away, into the distance. She immediately came from her spot behind the wall and tried to walk back to the common room unnoticed by Remus but of course that was always going to fail.

"How long were you eavesdropping, Quinn?" Remus' voice almost boomed through the empty corridors. Shay wondered why he was being so loud, Mrs. Norris was sure to come and get Filch. She had been studying in the library late and even after she had been kicked out, she continued to study in an empty classroom. They were officially off for the Christmas break and most people would be leaving in a few days but Shay wanted to catch up fully in Charms and not be the fail she had been at the start of the year.

"How long were you trying to have... intercourse with that girl?" Shay shot back but she stumbled half way through, not really wanting to say the word. She could say it in her head as many times as she wanted but saying it out loud just made her feel awkward. Remus snorted when he heard her say it though, finding it very childish.

"Intercourse? Really, Quinn? I thought you were more mature than that, I really did," Remus chuckled again as he stared at Shay. He was trying to get away from the fact that that girl had just straight out rejected him and Shay had seen it all. He had originally planned for her to see them both snogging just to annoy her and make her jealous but that didn't work out, unfortunately for him.

"Well I'm sorry Remus but you should probably deal with the fact that you pretty much know nothing about me and you know what?" Shay asked, taking a step closer to him, just to be in his face and try and intimidate him. But of course, Remus was taller making it a lot harder than it would have been. Nonetheless, she looked him straight in the eyes and told him a few words she had been longing to hear herself say for ages now, "I'm never and I mean ever going to let you back in to find out."

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