5. Clumsier

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"Don't make me say it again Lace," Sirius threatened her as she continued to look at him with a panicked expression. No one was supposed to find out, she had promised herself she would stop before anyone could notice. But things hadn't gone to plan, just like the rest of this year. Lily and James weren't supposed to get together, she wasn't supposed to be kicked off the quidditch team and have to give up her captaincy. She just didn't know the limits she could handle.

"Its nothing, go away Sirius. You don't know me," she snapped at him, trying to get out of his hold. She knew well she needed to stop but the last thing she needed was the person she hated the most being the only one that knew. She couldn't handle the thought of him blabbing to James or Remus or Peter. She knew from watching many girls flee the great hall that Sirius Black was not one to be trusted.

"Tell me, goddammit!" Sirius bellowed, loudly. Lace quickly covered his mouth, hoping none of the prefects had heard him shout. Sirius ignored the panicked looked that was beginning to show more and more in her eyes and used his hand to remover hers away from his mouth. "If its nothing you would have told me by now."

"Just go away, Sirius, this is nothing of your concern," she hissed at him. Sirius shook is head as he continued to look at the drying scarlet liquid on his thumb. This wasn't nothing and he wanted to know what was going on with her. "Just go away, Black. If I wanted to tell someone what's going on, I'll tell Fae and Shay. What makes you think I would tell y-"

Lace's rant was cut off by the door being forced open. Sam Bones and Dolly Harris, or as Sirius calls her, Ella, both respected prefects from Gryffindor house had busted through the door to the abandoned classroom on the first floor after hearing a male voice bellowing. Both being fifth year students and not stopping to think that it was Sirius' voice bellowing, they had both managed to bust down the door and seen the two arguing.

"You two aren't supposed to be here after ours. We'll be telling McGonagall and Flitwick about this in the morning. For now, back to your common rooms," Dolly scolded in her snobby voice. Lace couldn't get out of there faster as she ran out and up to the Ravenclaw common rooms. Sirius sighed, nodding his head at Ella (Dolly) and Sam before slowly walking back to the Gryffindor common rooms.

He didn't know what was going on with Lace but he was determined to find out.


Remus walked into the great hall the next day with a smug expression on his face. This was to easy. He had always thought that what Sirius did to girls was horrible. But now he realised how Sirius could do this because at times it was actually quite... what was the right word... fun. Call him cruel but he found himself enjoying it as much as Sirius seemed to.

Though as he turned to Sirius to tell him of his accomplishment, he noticed Sirius seemed out of it. His face was set in a blank expression, not even having a look of thought. To Remus it looked as though he was practicing Occlumency, thinking nothing and blocking all thoughts yet still doing something. For once he wasn't the smirking, fun-loving Sirius that everyone of Hogwarts knew him to be. He was now Sirius, the... nothing. That was the only word Remus could use to describe the pale skinned, expressionless man standing in front of him. Nothing.

Sirius couldn't help but let his eyes wander the great hall until they landed on the Ravenclaw table. He soon set his eyes ahead to the Gryffindor table but not before scowling at Lily and James' intertwined hands. It was something about Sirius, he just didn't like to believe love or anything as close to it as James and Lily have. It was something he didn't believe in and any sign that it could be real he chose to either scowl at or ignore.

He knew he was happy that James had finally gotten Evans to go out with him but he couldn't help but feel disappointed as he thought how much the pair of them reminded him of two adults. Well parents, but he couldn't say that because of his own parents. Lily and James were nothing like HIS parents though they did remind him of the likes of James' parents. Totally in love and not a sign of a break up. He once again scowled at the thought.

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