9. Sadder

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Shay fixed her tie as she looked at herself in the mirror. She had tried putting some make up on her face to make it look like she hadn't been crying but it still showed and if she put on anymore make up, it would make her face look caked. She may of just been the subject of someone's bet but she had at least some pride left not to go out looking like a total idiot.

Her skirt needed ironed, her white shit was too baggy, her robes looked thrown on, her ponytail had many bumps in it and she was struggling to fix her tie. In short words, she was a mess.

She sighed, realizing that nothing was going to fix itself in the next half an hour she had left to eat breakfast. She left the tie undone and left the room, heading down to the common room and out past the giant eagle. Not caring much about anyone else, she kept her eyes on her feet and kept walking until she reached the the great hall.

Entering the hall that was filled with chattering teenagers and kids, she fixed her gaze on the Ravenclaw table. Not letting her gaze drift to the Gryffindor table, she kept walking until she reached it. Taking a seat next to no one, she sat herself down. She grabbed some toast and put it on her plate, filling her glass with pumpkin juice.

Then she heard it.

It was a booming laugh, surrounded by millions of giggling laughs. She looked over at the Gryffindor table and seen Sirius, Peter, James and Lily sitting there already, confirming it was neither the marauders entering the room nor Sirius and his 'groupies' which she actually hadn't seen in a month. As her gaze finally forced itself to the door of the great hall out of curiosity, she seen who it was.

Remus had his arms flung around two giggling girls as the rest surrounding them giggled as well. His attention was fully on them, his gaze not drifting off as Shay's had. Which told Shay he really didn't care about anything she had said to him last night. He really didn't care about her at all. He didn't care about her or anything to do with her.


"It was a-it was a... what?!" Shay screeched but Remus just smirked, taking a step closer and leaning down so that his face was just inches from hers. She visibly gulped, trying to take a step back but her body wouldn't move an inch. Remus' smirk grew wider at this. "Take a step back, you arsehole."

"Maybe I don't want to," Remus' smirk grew larger as Shay began to get angry. How dare he think he could treat her like that! He had absolutely no right being anywhere near her at the moment and never again. "Come on, Shay. It was a bet. But it doesn't mean we can't have a last kiss goodbye. Or maybe even something more if you want."

"Get away from me, Remus Lupin, you stupid, arrogant pig!" Shay shouted at him, pushing his chest but Remus did not move so much of an inch. She tried again but Remus quickly grabbed both her wrists. She let out a small scream as his hold on her wrists was too strong. She could feel marks begin to form on her wrist as Remus suddenly let go of her in shock.

"I'm sorry, Shay. I didn't mean to physically hurt you at all. I'm sorry, God what have I done? I can take you to the hospital wing if you want?" Remus suggested as Shay gulped back her tears. She did not want to cry for the pain in her wrists but for what he had said. I didn't mean to physically hurt you at all.

He had always intended on breaking her heart. This wasn't some stupid bet he made half way into their relationship. That's why he had been so nice to her since the start of the year. It showed how much of an idiot she really was. She had left all three of her friends for him. Lace, Fae, Landon, what were they going to do? Would they continue to hate her? Or would they forgive her if she admitted to being an idiot.

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