7. Happier

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Shay's back hit Remus' bed as he backed her onto it. She was finally kissing him back. She had stood there, motionless, for about five minutes until she had finally realized what was going on. She didn't know why she was reacting like this but she was. Her hands had soon wrapped around his neck and her legs had soon wrapped around his waist. That's how they soon ended up in this position.

Remus' hand reached for sleeve of her jumper, pulling it down slowly. Shay began to get nervous and not that he would admit it but Remus was nervous as well. He had never done anything like this before, especially anything further than it. He never was that type of guy. But as he seen she was now only wearing a black vest top, he guessed he was about to.

Shay's hands went up to Remus' collared shirt as she slowly began to to unbutton it. It was when she was only when she was undoing the third button that they both heard a voice, causing both their heads to shoot in the direction of the door that they hadn't even thought to lock.

"Wow, Remus. I didn't know you could do so well on your first date," Sirius' voice boomed through the room. He had a busty brunette clinging onto his arm and had a giant ear to ear grin on his face. The brunette had a frown on her face as she noticed the other couple in the room. She knew them both, Shay Quinn and Remus Lupin, but she also knew they did not get along. So anyone could understand her confusion as to why they were both just snogging on his bed.

"Um, I-I, uh, um... have t-to... go," Shay stuttered out, pulling her jumper over her head quickly, fixing her hair so it was straight (though using her hands didn't appear to work as it was still quite frizzy) and quickly rushed out the door, past a smirking Sirius and a grinning Remus. She rushed down the stairs and out the portrait hole until she found herself in an empty classroom.

What just happened?

Did she like Remus? If she didn't, why did she kiss him back? But she was supposed to hate him. She wasn't supposed to kiss him back. She wasn't supposed to start unbuttoning his shirt. Thank Godric for Sirius interrupting them. But then again, now Sirius Black, the school's biggest player knew about her kissing Remus and if she knew Sirius well enough then she knew he would use it to his advantage.

So she did the only thing she could think to do.

She ran out of the small, empty classroom, up to the Ravenclaw eagle, answered the riddle, went up to her room and spilled everything to Lace and Fae (who was having a sleep over in their dorm since it was the weekend) until she was lying on her bed, tears of confusion clouding her eyes as her two best friends looked down at her with worry.

"We don't think you like Remus, Shay," Lace started a bit nervously as she fiddled with her skinny fingers and but her lip. Fae nodded in agreement, looking as though she was telepathically having a conversation with Lace. Lace sighed as she ran a hand through her dirty blonde hair, nervously biting her lip even harder causing the blossom pink colour to rush out of it and a pale peachy-whitey colour to take its place. "Well, at least, we hope you don't. I don't mean to offend him, Shay, but have you seen him lately? He's become a real jerk. He called Lily Evans fat earlier today and any girl in Hogwarts could tell you that Lily Evans is the skinniest girl in this school."

"He's not a jerk, Lace! He's just a bit truthful," Shay said, causing Fae and Lace to gasp and cover their mouths in shock. Had Shay really just called Lily Evans, the prettiest girl in the world, fat? That was an insult to every girl, including herself. Lace shook her head at her friend. Lace knew Lily was perfect. It was the reason James had loved her since day one. It was the reason she knew James would never look at her. Because Lily Evans topped any girl that liked him, including herself.

"You don't mean that, Shay. Take it back, right now," Fae said slowly, hand slowly dropping from her mouth. She couldn't believe someone dared call Lily fat, especially that it had been her best friend. Shay could take it back. Pretend she had never said that and it would all be forgotten. But what shocked Fae the most was that Shay stood there, not speaking a word. "Take it back, Shay!"

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