Cleansing and Charging

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Hello everyone! I'm sure you're all curious about how to cast a spell. After all, that's a big part of being a witch, right? Well, not always, but a lot of the time, it really is. But there's a little bit you need to know before we get onto the spells. 

There are a lot of tools a witch uses in their practice. Sometimes herbs, sometimes crystals, sometimes he or she will use a wand, or maybe an athame. Oils, or incenses? Even divination tools. There's all kinds of things a witch may choose to utilize in a spell, ritual, or divination session, but one thing I'm sure you all are familiar of is the term energy. Even we have energy. We don't just have to cleanse objects and tools, but also ourselves. But let's first talk about the tools.

Everything and everyone has energy. However, before you use something, it is vital that you cleanse that item (or yourself) of any negative energy that it may have collected.

Why is this so important? When we work with tools, or anything in the Craft, we use their energy to help strengthen our work. For example, if I were to do a spell for increasing happiness, I could use lavender. However, before I use it, I must cleanse it. If I don't, it could cause the spell to either backfire, reverse, or just not work at all. And we don't want that. Why use something for its energy if it is clouded? This is why it is imperative to cleanse and charge yourself, and items.

What about charging? We know that cleansing clears the person or item of any negative energies, so what's charging?

When we charge an item, we invoke certain energies to aid and activate the energies within an item or tool.

To make it easier, let's say that this tool has a lever, or a switch, for its energy. It's all rusty and dirty, and if you try to use it, it either won't work, or it'll give you a completely different (and unwanted) result. So, cleansing is required to clean it up.

Now, we must pull the lever to activate the energies to get the desired results. Basically like turning something on. 

Sometimes, people add an extra step, called enchanting. Basically, you program, or add your intent into the item. I often consider this a part of charging, however.

Okay, okay. So we know what these are and why it's important. But how do you do it?

Before I tell you, you must know that these are certainly not the only ways of cleansing and charging. There are an infinite number of methods you could use, and you could even create your own if you feel that it cleanses and charges the items effectively. But as a beginner, I recommend starting with some tried and true methods until you get better with sensing and manipulating energy.

Methods of Cleansing

Sound - Bells or singing bowls are often used for cleansing. The vibrations from the bell or singing bowl clears away the negative energy, so just ring the bell or tap the singing bowl, or anything that emits a sound vibration. Make sure your item is close, though!

Copper Pyramid - One method (which I have just found out about a few seconds ago) that I have read about is called the copper pyramid. A picture is in the link at the bottom of the chapter. You use a compass to align the pyramid to the cardinal directions (North, East, South, and West). One side faces North, one East, and so forth. Then you place your items (most commonly crystals, since many things cannot fit under it) in the middle of it or under the point and leave it there for at least an hour, or overnight.

Salt Water - All you have to do is sprinkle a little bit of salt water, or if you so choose, holy water, on your item and it will absorb the negative energy. Be sure to properly dispose of it!
Note: I'll get into how to make different kinds of water and ink later on.

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