Circle Casting

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Not everyone will decide to cast a circle, but learning to cast a circle is also one of the first concepts a beginner will learn.

What is a circle?

Obviously, it's, well, a circle. But magickally, a circle is either a physical or imagined circle around the space you are working in. It's purpose is to protect you from outside influences, and any other negativity that may want to enter. It also acts as a container for the energy you raise, invoke, and evoke.

Sometimes, when a ritual format calls for casting a circle, after that it may ask you to call the quarters. Often times, people consider calling the quarters a part of casting a circle, so I will include that in this chapter. However, much like how not everyone casts a circle, not everyone calls the quarters.

Once a circle is cast, treat it respectfully. Don't bring negativity into the circle. Don't break the circle, and don't exit or enter it unless you must.

Before you actually cast your circle, you must physically prepare the space. This includes setting up your altar and placing your elemental representations in their respective cardinal direction (North/Earth, East/Air, South/Fire, West/Water).This also includes setting up the physical boundaries of the circle if you so choose.

To prepare your physical space, you may want to cleanse it as well. Of course, many people just cast their circle. One way to cleanse it, however, is to burn sage incense and spread the smoke of it around the area. Another way, which I forgot to add into the cleansing and charging section (I'll add it), is to use a broom, or besom, to sweep away the negative energies. Set up your physical boundary (if you are using one) using stones, salt (be careful with salt, as it can damage the Earth), candles, or anything else you'd like. Then, set up your elemental representations, and your altar. We'll go into altar set ups later on, and as for elemental representations, they can be as little as colored candles to whole entire elemental altars. We'll also go into this later on. And, obviously, if you are not going to invoke the elements, don't set up the elemental representations!

I've seen various types of circle casting. One is incredibly simple: you walk deosil (clockwise) three times while visualizing a white light forming a circle. Often times, there is a chant that goes along with this. Another type is to do this, while also invoking the elements. Some use physical boundaries, some use visualization. Either way, there is some sort of circle.

When casting your circle, if you so choose, you may also invoke any deities. This is not required, but if you choose to, make sure to properly research them.

How To Cast A Basic Circle (without the quarters)

This method is incredibly simple. It does not involve calling the quarters.

You must have cleansed the space, yourself, and all items first, both physically and energy-wise. This is incredibly important. There are no materials needed for this particular circle casting, though you can add some if you'd like, such as an athame or wand, or something else (I'll go into this at the bottom of the chapter).

1. Hold out your arms, with your palms facing upwards.

2. Visualize positive energy being pulled down into your arms and into the space. You should feel tingles, a buzzing feeling, or you may get goosebumps. You may also feel light, or uplifted.

3. Hold out your dominant hand and point towards the edge of the circle. Spin around in a clockwise direction three times, marking out the circle with the light.

4. Hold your arms out to the sky, and say a chant. Here's an example:
"I ask that (your deity, or deities, or the universe) bless this circle,
So that I may be free and protected in this place of my work.
So mote it be!"

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