Part 25

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boy (bold)
girl (italics)

veryone else (regular)

Sat, Mar 6, 2:20 PM

Why do you think|
Why do you|
Why d|
I'm not mad|
I'm not m|
I'm not mad at you.

(Cookie Crumbs is typing ...)

I read your messages when Fel took my phone


Lol I got to meet Eeyore|
Lol I got|
That cookie crumb incide|
That cookie|
I hope your not mad at me eit|
I hope your not|
Are we still friends?


I'm glad. I missed talking to y|
I'm glad. I mi|
Yay now I have someone to talk to again

(Cookie crumbs is typing ...)

Kurbublin is not cool

What the heck is Kerr bubbles

Typing and keeping the other person in suspense


I'm glad I met you face to face

Me too

Good. I don't want this friendship to end.

Sat Mar 6, 2:22 PM

Are we still friends indeed ... It hurts. But okay. If your happy I can be too.
(Message not Sent)
It makes me so ridiculously happy that you're glad to talk to me. Is it stupid? Ugh I bet you have a girlfriend or something. Why do I even have this crush? It's such a fat chance that a perfect guy like you will ever like a deaf girl. Not flawless.
(Message not Sent)
I hate you
(Message not Sent)
I'm so angry
(Message not Sent)
Eeyore thinks you're an amazing human and I agree against my will
(Message not Sent)

A/N Friendzone at it's finest people. Have you ever friendzoned/been friendzoned by someone? The media picture though ...

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