1 Is This How It's Meant to Be?

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Disclaimer: I do not own the InuYasha plot or it's characters. I am not profiting of this story it is just something I write for fun. I have not given anyone permission to post/publish this fanfic anywhere.

This fic is available on my Wattpad account which is linked on my profile. I am willing to post it on Tumblr and Ao3 if enough people ask.

EDITED 05/02/2023

Context for this fic: In this Kikyo has come back for a third time and decided to work with the group to get the shards. When she was gone Kagome and InuYasha had gotten a lot closer not quite dating but it was obvious something was going on between them. When Kikyo found the group again she slowly started to pull InuYasha's attention to her. At first Kagome didn't really do anything since she wasn't sure where she stood with InuYasha. Kikyo has actively been interrupting them when they spend time together. Now Kikyo has most of InuYasha's attention and Kagome has kind of given up on InuYasha.

Kagome is now 17 years old and will turn 18 before any of the romance begins.

1 Is This How It's Meant to Be?

(Kagome POV)

I hummed as I walked to the Well. I was on my way home to re-stock on supplies for our next Shikon Jewel hunt. When I got to the clearing an unwelcomed sight greeted me. InuYasha was hugging Kikyo right beside the well. I rolled my eyes and made my way to them. The sound of soft words being exchanged was all you could hear from the couple. It was a really tender moment and had it been anyone else it would have filled me with joy. As I walked closer to them, I felt something inside me change like a part of me that was trying to hold something back just gave up.

"Excuse me! Can you take this somewhere else? You're kind of in the way," I said calmly.

The pair untangle themselves. When they turned to face me, InuYasha had a guilty look on his face.


"Don't. Please," I walked up to him and glanced at the beds of subjugation. "I'll be back in about 15 minutes."

I tried my best to ignore the weight of Kikyo's glare before I jumped down the well.

(InuYasha POV)

As I looked down the well Kikyo rubbed my shoulders. Kagome had been a little distant lately and it was affecting the group. This has to be over with before our next quest otherwise everyone will be even more moody and we'll loose time arguing instead of looking for the jewel shards.

"She's right you know. It would be better if we moved to a more... private location. Shall we venture into the forest?" Kikyo asked.

I stared at the fading glow from the Well before I let Kikyo lead me into the forest.

(Kagome POV)

I climbed out of the well and I stood there for a moment. I tried not to think to much about InuYasha and Kikyo. I was surprised by the fact that I wasn't crying despite how upset I felt.

"It's midday so everyone should be out. I'll refill my pack and change my clothes."

I quickly entered the house removed my shoes and headed for my room.


When I returned Keade's village Shippo ran out of a hut to hug me.

"Oh Kagome! You're back already!"

"Yes Shippo. I decided it was best to change my clothes. I don't want to force my mum to by me another school uniform when I'm this close to graduating," I explained.

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