5 The Catalyst

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I know this is short but I just had to get this out there as I've been stuck here for the past 4 months. Read End Note for explanation.


I laid in my sleeping bag on a stray patch of grass. I had woken to the sound of whispers and soft laughs from the other side of the fire. When the culprits finally decided to leave the camp, I had lost all hope of sleeping. That had been roughly an hour ago and there was still at least another hour to before sunrise. I let my mind wander trying my best not to think of what InuYasha and Kikyou could be doing, with minimal success, until a conversation with Kaede came to the forefront of my mind.

Several weeks ago, she had offered to give me a more extensive training, the next step to becoming a proper miko. At the time I was really inclined to do it, I thought I was doing just fine and I didn't think it would be worth it. It would mean less time for shard hunting and we were already making great progress. Taking time off would just slow us down and it wasn't like I could use these abilities in the future once this was all over.

But then Kikyou came back. She wasn't at full strength but she was fierce when she fought. She moved with a grace and confidence I lacked, holding her own even when it looked like she might be overwhelmed. She was properly trained and it showed. I may have more power but she had more skill and that scared me.

There were many instances when I had to be saved by somebody else and I used to think it was because humans were no match for the hanyou and yōkai. But after seeing Kikyou fight. I knew better. I am woefully under prepared for the task I set for myself. Sango, the other new addition to the group, came from a village of yōkai slayers. They were all humans without magical abilities and they handle yōkai and hanyou better then I ever have.

Kaede had given me time to think about her offer, no doubt sensing my reluctance, and I intend to take her up on her offer the second we return to her village.


"—shut up mutt face!"


I groaned as I rubbed at my face. I blinked the sleep from eyes as I tried to make sense of the bickering before ultimately deciding to ignore it. Starting the day dealing with that was not a smart idea.

I got out of my sleeping bag and but it away. Sango was by the fire watching Miroku make something, for breakfast. Shippo was curled up with Kirara, ears twitching from the boys bickering.

Stretching, I walked over to my bag and pulled out something to drink. Hopefully today will be more productive.

"The island cannot get lower."

I flinched and spun around. Yuuma was sitting behind me on a chunk of dirt.

The sorceress's gaze was on the floating mass. Following her example, I observed it for a few moments. It hadn't lowered much over night. It was probably 50 meters off the ground.

"Residue from the barrier is keeping it afloat for now. It won't last much longer. Once it disperses completely the island may be lowered gently or plumet like a fruit from a tree. It is difficult to predict so we should not stay longer than necessary," she explained.

A time limit. Wonderful.

"Guess we'd better decide on a plan then."


It took almost two hours for everyone to agree on a plan and another half hour to get ready. The possibility of the island falling seemed to have no affect on the groups ability to plan efficiently. I could tell Sango was getting frustrated the longer it took for everyone to agree. She had been rather curt to everyone as we dismantled the camp.

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