3 Yuuma

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EDITED 2023-12-03

Available on AO3

3 Yuuma

(Kagome POV)

We all ran in three different directions. InuYasha and Shippo went left, Sango, Miroku and Kirara went right so Koga and I ran back the way we came. We were running from something but what exactly was still unknown to me, I couldn't see much in the dirt cloud but I could feel the debris crashing into me. Despite this my mind was racing and I was surprised when Koga pulled me to the right.

"Kagome watch out!"

I tried not to stumble as I let him guide me. I managed to glance back and just in time to see a demon land and crush the spot I was probably heading towards. The force knocked us off our feet and we tumbled in the dirt together.


Despite our efforts to protect ourselves we must have been knocked out. When I came to, I was surprised at the lack of dirt underneath me. I blinked at the sight of Sango and Kirara shifting rocks and small boulders. I felt a hand on my leg and shifted to see Miroku placing a Band-Aid on what looked like a small gouge.

"Damn," I groaned catching Miroku's attention.

"Oh good. I've checked you over and other than a few scratches and small bruises you are good to go. You were caught up in a wave of energy backlash. Now that you're up I can check on Koga."

As he spoke the last of the fuzziness left and I felt more alert. I sat up gingerly feeling some of the scratched burn. I realized that I didn't feel dirt beneath me because I wasn't on the ground. Koga was beneath me. He had managed to wrap himself around me when we had fallen.

"We're off to a great start," I muttered sarcastically.

I carefully, attempting to get off Koga without waking him but a hand grasping my waist meant I wasn't successful. I glance at his face and saw his blue eyes staring back at me.

"Sorry," I said as I moved to sit beside him.

"As if! You probably threw yourself on him on purpose."

I blinked as the half-muttered comment reached my ears. I looked behind me to see InuYasha carrying Kikyo towards us. He set her down before looking at me. I blinked again before turning to Miroku, not giving InuYasha's ridiculous comment any more attention.

"Alright you got a few scrapes from your landing but no concerning injuries," the monk concluded.

Koga grunted his thanks before taking in our surroundings. I did the same and I didn't like what I saw. There were boulders and craters of all sizes everywhere, trees toppled on their sides with the roots ripped out of the ground.

"Finally!" Sango's exclamation pulled my attention back to her.

She was pulling her weapon from under a boulder. Sango jogged back to us once her weapon was secure on her back.

"So, what's the plan?" the demon slayer asked. "The shard is up there and who or what ever has it definitely knows we're after it."

"I doubt we could get them to come down so we'll have to go up. But how?" Shippo started.

"Actually, the floating mass has be falling slowly while I worked on the injured," Miroku pointed out.

Everyone looked up and someone gasped. It wasn't much but it was noticeably closer.

"Kirara and Shippo may be able to carry us up in half an hour," Sango remarked.

"Which gives us time to— who is that?"

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