7 Contemplation

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UPDATED: 2024-06-11


I sighed in relief once we reached the entrance to Kaede's Village. The journey back had been exhausting after the mission. After we escaped the collapsing island, Sess—Lord Sesshomaru's group had spent the night camping close by. I barely had the chance to thank them before they were off, heading to where ever they were going before they saved us.

Yuuma had left us shortly after, needing to get something from a village that Naraku had requested. She claimed staying any longer would be pushing her luck as it had already been several days since she had last checked in with Him.

We were rather subdued as we prepared for bed and the tension seemed to have risen over night. We had a late and slow start heading back to the village do to Miroku and Kikyou's injuries and everyone was very sore and shaken up after the experience.

Kouga spent most of the day's trek by my side and we spoke softly of everything and nothing with Shippou who refused to let me out of his sight. Sango walked with Kirara who was carrying Miroku. The monk was quiet and spent the day lost in thought, absentmindedly fiddling with his hand. InuYasha had spent the trip scowling as he carried Kikyou on his back. He was most likely miffed about the quiet scolding Kikyou gave him in the early hours of the morning when most where still asleep, or at least pretending to be.

The group had stewed in the tension all day and it got worse once Kouga left to return to his pack. I had given him a hug that may have lasted a second too long after I got distracted by the feel of his torso. Kouga placed a kiss on my wrist in return. InuYasha may have growled at the interaction but I chose not to focus on him. By the time we had set up camp for the night the group wasn't speaking anymore and we ate and went to bed in silence. The next day, yesterday, was more of the same only the tension seemed to die down a little. There were small short conversations that completely ignored what had happened and the consequences.

But now we were finally back. Kaede had come to greet us and a few villagers came to assist the injured. A few children were peeking out at us. The group separated immediately until I was the only one left walking with Kaede. We walked in silence until we reached her hut. Kaede poured us some tea and waited until we had each taken a few sips before speaking.

"Kagome, what happened?"

I stared at the tea in my cup. It was such a simple question but the answer wasn't as straight forward.

"Well we got the shards. But we almost fell to our deaths. The group is fracturing. We encountered Yuuma and Kouga who assisted us. I realized I need more training. Miroku and Kikyou were injured. Ses—Lord Sesshomaru saved us—saved me. InuYasha almost got us killed. I almost died. A whole lot happened," I said.

Now that I was in a safe place the events of the last few days were at the forefront of my mind. I almost died and my family has no idea. They wouldn't have known. Unless InuYasha told them. As if that would happen. I recounted everything to Kaede.


I had spent the rest of the morning going over what happened with Kaede. We took a break so I could bath and stop by the village healers. I spent most of the afternoon with them as they checked me over and Miroku, who was on bed rest. Sango and Shippou joined us for lunch. We were eating in comfortable silence until I spoke.

"I'm going to go home for a couple of days."

Everyone looked at me.

Sango frowned, "Why?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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