2 The Start of a Grand Disaster

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EDITED 14-3-23

Reminder that the pairing is not the main focus at this point in the story. I'll let you guys know when I've finished setting the frame work for it but it's not happening before at least chapter 30.

(Koga POV)

I watched the others as I hugged Kagome. Sango and Miroku seemed to closer than the last time I saw them while Shippo danced excitedly with Kirara. InuYasha was snarling in my direction while some priestess woman held his shoulder trying to sooth the flea brained idiot. I could sense how unusually tense the group was. I frowned before returning my gaze to Kagome. She was leaning into me and smiling at her friends. But the smile didn't reach her eyes. Something was up with Kagome and I vowed to figure it out.

"So, where are you guys heading? I may join you," I said giving the rest of the group my attention again.

"Please do! We're tracking a Shikon shard. It's been in the area for a few days now but we don't know what or who has it," Kagome said.

"I guess I'll join you guys. It's been a while since I've battled something with a Shikon shard."


We ignored InuYasha's objection and started walking again. Kagome stayed tucked into my side for a bit and we caught up on everything that went down since the last time we saw each other.

(InuYasha POV)

I growled as they ignored me. Koga kept Kagome wrapped in his arms and keeping her close to his body. Kikyo pulled my arm and we trailed behind the rest of the group. She had started muttering reassurances in my ear again but it did nothing to stop my seething after the pair. They were telling each other about everything that had happened recently. Koga knew I was in hearing range and had managed to muffle his voice but I could her Kagome's every word. I could hear the excitement in her voice as she recounted something she had done with her friends on the other side of the well, I could hear every time she thank Koga for praising her abilities after she told him she how they had saved the group and I could her every time they laughed over something stupid and I could hear how she giggled every time Koga told a dumb joke to get rid of the sadness that would sometimes cloud her voice as she spoke. I could hear it all and it bothered me to no end!

(Sango POV)

We had been walking for a considerable amount of time. I turned to ask Kagome if she sensed any shards when she spoke.

"Hold on."

She stepped away from Koga who started sniffing the air. The group immediately froze and started surveying the area. Kagome frowned as she held onto the jaw of shards.

"I sense something but where..." she trailed off as she looked upward.

I followed her gaze and saw a large cloud in the sky. Oddly it was the only one in the sky. We stared at the cloud and watched it lazily cross the sky. I was about to dismiss it when the cloud blocked the sun. Miroku gasped.

"There," Kagome said.

The sun's light passed through the cloud revealing a giant sphere of energy amongst the cloud. I could make out the faint outline of something—

"Is that... a floating mass of earth?" I asked.

We stared at it for a moment before turning to each other.

"I'm not sure if the shards are in there, the barrier is extremely powerful, but it is highly likely they're in there. We'll have to break the barrier for me to be sure. If they aren't in there they'll be around here somewhere." Kagome declared.

"Alright let's break the barrier then," Miroku said.

"It's nothing my Red Tetseiga can't handle." InuYasha boasted.

Kagome POV

"Alright, the sooner we do this the more we'll get done today" I nodded.

InuYasha glared at me.

"I guess you were to busy giggling with Koga to notice but I can't jump that high even with a running start."

I blinked before narrowing my eyes at him. Where was this attitude coming from?

"If it was a problem why did you say you could handle it? You know what never mind," I sighed before looking up at the giant cloud. "Any other ideas?"

"I could take InuYasha higher with Kirara but if the backlash from the barrier breaking is half as big as the barrier it won't be safe," Sango offered.

"I won't be able to assist with this," Miroku pointed out and Koga nodded in agreement.

"I can't float that high with my fox magic," Shippo sighed.

That left me and Kikyo. I stared at the barrier for a moment longer before grabbing my bow and an arrow. As I aimed for the cloud I realized that I had never tried to shoot this high up in the sky.

"Well, there's no harm in trying," I murmured before letting the arrow fly.

A huge amount of magical energy surrounded the arrow like we've never seen before. It got brighter and brighter before it pierced the barrier with a crack. Something shot out of the top of the cloud and my jaw dropped. It was my arrow and it appeared to kept going up until we couldn't see it at all. That wasn't the only odd occurrence though.

"Why was my magic tinged red? It was always a light blue." I frowned.

"Does it matter? You actually helped and that's more than InuYasha can say." Koga laughed.

I snorted and bumped Koga with my arm. No need to poke the bear.


"That was amazing Kagome!" Kikyo praised. "Reminds me of when I was at my most powerful. My arrows went just as high, although they were much faster."

I gave Kikyo a nod, though she was more focused on InuYasha's adoring stare, barely registering her words. Her compliments almost always end with her pointing out that she was just as if not more powerful than me. Yet another tactic she uses to secure InuYasha's attention.

"Alright I can definitely sense something—"


I was cut off by the ground around us exploding, sending dirt and rocks right at us. Like always trouble found us.

"Everyone! Split up!"

What's this? 2 updates in the same year? Am I actually updating once a month like I said I might? (I'm trying my best guys) Anyway, in all seriousness there were some major changes so this chapter doesn't quite fit with chapter 3 and onward anymore. If you are reading this before the next chapters are updated there may be some inconsistencies.

ChiyoThe Chibi (a.k.a. Salus Lucifer 

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