4 Becoming Evil

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4 Becoming Evil

(Kagome POV)

We had decided to temporarily sit amongst some of the debris with Yuuma. Weapons were discarded but not completely put away in case something happened.

"I believe the best place to start would be with my creation. I am Yuuma, the 2nd Incarnation not Kagura. He created me by accident—for the most part," Yuuma began.

"Why won't you say his name?" I asked suspiciously.

Yuuma smiled, "You noticed. I will not say His name because of a... curse. Do not worry it has no affects on you. It is a way for him to monitor his Incarnations closely. We have no need to say his name frequently unless dealing with his enemies, you, or we plotting against him. At least that is how he sees it."

"I guess he's aware of Kanna and Kagura's actions and is suspicious enough to prevent you all from following in their foot steps," Miroku reasoned.

"Hmm, however that is not the purpose of my meeting you here. Remaking His body causes lot's of stress on his body. I was created in an attempt to remove that stress therefore removing the side affects of creating a new body. Doing so had the side affect of making him less human—"

"He was already less human before we know this," InuYasha's growl interrupted.

Yuuma narrowed her eyes, "It has made him less so. One's humanity is like a boll of rice. Every time He does something that requires forsaking his humanity a scoop of rice is eaten, permanently lost in the Spirit Realm. There is no getting it back. I was what allowed him to feel stress however remaking himself so often still causes issues. In order for him to stay in peak condition I am required to drain all of the stress from his body after each reincarnation. I can then transfer the stress from myself onto another living thing."

She paused to glare at InuYasha and give us a moment to process what was said. I wasn't sure about the others but what she was saying made sense. It reminded me of health class. Naraku had attempted to remove the chemical from his brain that created stress only his brain kept creating more with each new body. Yuuma was the physical manifestation of that. Now our previous encounter makes a bit more sense.

"And that is why villagers call you the Sorceress of Eternal Youth. They think your stealing the youth from others when you're actually passing on the stress."

Yuuma turned to Sango and shrugged, "It is not as if the stress is permanent for them. It will fade within months—so long as they do not add stress to their lives. Alas, we are veering off topic. The information I want to share with you pertains to your Miko, the live one that is, and her powers. You have noticed the change, correct? It is nothing to worry about for now. Based off the colour it is simply reacting to your anger. Should it turn purple is where the problems will begin."

I was relieved to hear that it wasn't a big issue. That relief evaporated when Yuuma continued.

"Your emotions are influencing your powers. While this usually fine certain emotion can have terrible affects. You must not allow you magic to turn purple, the colour of hatred and bitterness. The colour that surrounds Him when he uses his powers," the woman explained.

My eyes widened in disbelief.

"So Kagome's on the path to becoming evil!?" InuYasha said skeptically.

The sorceress huffed, "No! She is not on the path to anything. All I am saying is to be mindful of how you are feeling. It is easier for forces to feast on anger and corrupt. Especially now..."

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